Camera setting:
In this functional menu, you can set the flash, the shutter sound, the
EV, the banding, the delay timer and the continuous shot mode.
Image settings:
Default settings about image size and quality.
White balance:
It can set white balance of the camera.
Scene mode:
You can make settings about Auto and Night scene.
Effects setting:
There are many kinds of effect including normal, grayscale, sepia, sepia
green, etc.
Wallpaper frame:
Add a frame to your picture.
Restore default:
Restore factory default settings.
After finish above settings, in the image capture mode, press left and right direction key
to adjust lighting and press up and down direction key to adjust focus, then press OK key to
Image Viewer
Press up and down direction key to scroll images, press left key to do following options to the
selected picture file:
View selected image.
Image Info:
View the information of the image.
Slide view:
Browse images in slide show.
Browse Style
: Choose images‟ browse style between list style and matrix style.
Send present image to wallpaper, screen saver, power On/Off display,
phonebook, MMS, e-mail and Bluetooth.
Edit the name of present file.
Delete present file.
Delete all:
Delete all files in the image viewer.
It can sort by name, by format, by date and by size.
Video Player
Press left menu key or center direction key to pause/play, right menu key to stop; press up