background image




You  want  to  set  defrosting  for  5  minutes  and  then  to  cook  for  7  minutes  at  the  80% 

microwave power. Complete the following steps:


 Press the 


button twice. The display will show “



 Turn the knob in the 


 direction, in order to set the defrosting time 




 Press the 


 button The display will show “



 In order to select the microwave power level 


, press the 



again or turn the knob in the 


 direction until the display shows “



 Press the 

Start/+30 s/Confirm

 button to confirm the microwave power level.


 Turn the knob in the 


 direction, in order to set the cooking time to 7 minutes.


 Press  the 

Start/+30  s/Confirm

,  button  to  start  the  cooking. A  sound  signal  will  be 

heard to indicate the start of the defrosting, the remaining defrosting time will be shown on 

the display. The second sound signal will inform you about the start of the cooking. The end 

of the multi-stage cooking will be signalled by a five-time sound.

Additional information


 The initial turning of the knob will be signalled by a single sound.


 Each started programme can be stopped by pressing the 


 button. Press 


Start/+30 s/Confirm

 button to resume the stopped programme. By pressing the 



 button twice you will end the programme.


 In the case of cooking with the use of 


 function, press the 



  button.  The  current  microwave  power  level  will  appear  on  the  display  for 

3 seconds.


 When in the cooking mode, after pressing the 

Kitchen Timer/Clock 

button the display 

will show the current time. After 3 seconds the indications will return to the previous state.


 If during the operation of the oven the door has been opened, then after its closing 

press the 

Start/+30 s/Confirm

 button in order to resume the oven operation.


 If within one minute after the end of setting, the programme will not be confirmed by 

means of the 

Start/+30 s/Confirm

 button, the settings will be cancelled. The current time 

will appear on the display.


 The correct pressing of a button will be signalled by a single sound. In case of incorrect 

pressing, no sound will be heard.


 The end of programme will be signalled by a five-time sound.

Ecology – Environmental protection

Each user can contribute to protect the environment. It is neither difficult nor 

expensive. In order to do so:

Return cardboard packages to recycling points.

Throw polyethylene (PE) bags into appropriate containers.

Return  a  worn  out  appliance  to  an  appropriate  collecting  point  as  the 

components of the appliance may pose a threat to the environment.

Do not dispose the appliance with the municipal waste!


 Press the 

Start/+30 s/Confirm

 button to complete the setting.


 Once set time has elapsed, you will hear an acoustic signal five time the 


will go off and the display will show the current time.


  Kitchen  Timer  operates  independently  of  the  clock  and  any  microwave 

oven functions.

Automatic menu (Auto Menu)

The microwave oven has the automatic menu function, which does not require the cooking 

time or microwave power programming. The menu has been prepared for the following 

products: pizza, meat, vegetables, pasta, potatoes, fish, beverages, popcorn.
Each of the automatic menu programmes has several weight or volume options, for which 

duration times have been preset accordingly.


 Turn the knob in the 

 direction to select the automatic cooking menu. „

” will 

be shown on the display and the 





 Turn  the  knob  in  the 

  direction,  the  display  will  show  “

”,  “


…, “



 After selecting the programme, confirm it by pressing the 

Start/+30 s/Confirm



 Turn the knob in order to set the weight of the food. The 

 symbol will be shown on 

the display.


 Press the 

Start/+30 s/Confirm

 button to start the cooking. An acoustic signal will be 

heard and the cooking program will start. At the same the 

 symbol will go off and the




 symbols will be shown along with the remaining cooking time.


 When the countdown is finished, a five-time sound signal will be heard. If the clock has 

been previously set, the display will show the current time. 


In  order  to  set  the  automatic  menu  for  cooking  400  grams  of  potatoes,  complete  the 

following steps:


 Turn the knob in the 

 direction until the display shows “



 Press the 

Start/+30 s/Confirm

 button to confirm the automatic menu programme.


 Turn the knob in order to set the 400 g weight on the display.


 Press the 

Start/+30 s/Confirm,

 button to start the cooking.




TIME [s]

A-1 Pizza

200 g


400 g


A-2 Meat

250 g


350 g


450 g


A-3 Vegetables

200 g


300 g


400 g


A-4 Pasta

50 g (in 450 ml of cold water) 


100 g (in 800 ml of cold water) 


A-5 Potatoes

200 g


400 g


600 g


A-6 Fish

250 g


350 g


450 g


A-7 Beverages

1 cup (120 ml) 


2 cups (240 ml) 


3 cups (360 ml) 


A-8 Popcorn

50 g


85 g


100 g


The results of automatic cooking depend on the shape and size of foodstuffs, your cooking 

preferences  as  regards  particular  products  and  the  arrangement  of  products  inside  the 

oven. Should you feel that the cooking results could have been better, you may need to 

adapt the cooking time to your own needs.

Multi-stage cooking

You can set up to 2 cooking stages. In the case of multi-stage cooking, if defrosting is one 

of the cooking stages, the defrosting program will be automatically started as the first one. 

When one stage is finished, a sound signal will be heard and the next stage will start.


  Automatic cooking cannot be one of the multi-stage cooking programmes.

The manufacturer/importer does not accept any liability for any damages resulting from unintended use 

or improper handling.

The manufacturer/importer reserves his rights to modify the product any time in order to adjust it to law 

regulations, norms, directives, or due to construction, trade, aesthetic or other reasons, without notifying 

in advance.

Содержание MW3130


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Страница 44: ...44 MW3130 001_v01 Zelmer Zelmer 44 44 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 49 Auto Menu 49 49 49 49 49 49 1 2 3 4 ZELMER 8 UA...

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Страница 47: ...001_v01 1 2 3 4 1 10 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 Micro Grill Combi 3 Weight TimeDefrost 4 Kitchen Timer Clock 5 Stop Clear 6 Start 30 s Confirm 30 7 1 Kitchen Timer Clock 6 5 4 10 1 9 7 3 2 8 1 2...

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Страница 49: ...nfirm 6 Start 30 s Confirm 7 8 PE 26663 19848 5 40 1 15150 1 Kitchen Timer Clock 2 95 3 Start 30 s Confirm 4 Auto Menu 1 2 3 Start 30 s Confirm 4 5 Start 30 s Confirm 6 400 1 2 Start 30 s Confirm 3 40...

Страница 50: ...owave energy observe the following rules DANGER WARNING Risk of injury Use this appliance only for its intended use as described in this manual Do not use or heat corrosive chemicals in the device Ove...

Страница 51: ...or caught Improper connection can result in the risk of electric shock In case of any doubts concerning the grounding or electrical mains connection instructions contact a qualified electrician or ser...

Страница 52: ...he microwave oven and remove food deposits Failure to follow the above instructions may lead to a degradation of the surface which may affect the service life of the appliance and lead to a dangerous...

Страница 53: ...l Combination cooking 3 Weight TimeDefrost Defrosting by weight Defrosting by time 4 Kitchen Timer Clock Kitchen Timer Set the Clock 5 Stop Clear Stop Cancel 6 Start 30 s Confirm Start 30 s Confirm 7...

Страница 54: set from 0 05 5 seconds to 95 00 95 minutes 3 Press the Start 30 s Confirm button to start defrosting The and indicator lights will come on The power during the defrosting by time is set to P30 an...

Страница 55: ...chen Timer operates independently of the clock and any microwave oven functions Automatic menu Auto Menu The microwave oven has the automatic menu function which does not require the cooking time or m...

Страница 56: ...prava erstv ch jed l v kr tkom ase 1 A mikrohull mok 8 szint teljes tm ny fokozata rugalmas alkalmazkod s a meleg tett telek m ret hez s t pus hoz 2 8 automatikus f z program a mikrohull m s t saj t m...
