background image


The  kettle  switches  off  automatically  when  the  water  has  reached 


the boiling point, the switch returns to its starting position – the light 

comes off.
If further use of the kettle is anticipated, it is not necessary to remove 


the plug of the connecting cord from the power socket.


 Be careful not to fill up with water beyond the nominal capac


ity when pouring water into the kettle. The rising of the water level in the 

kettle is delayed in relation to the speed of pouring the water. It is caused 

by the filter slowing down the speed of the flow. This can be prevented 

by pouring the last portions of water extremely carefully before it reaches 

the maximum level on the indicator.

In the event that an empty kettle is switched on, it will be switched off by 

a thermal device automatically. 

In order to switch the kettle on again after it has cooled down (approx. 

15 minutes), take it off the base, replace it and switch the kettle on by 

pressing switch 


. The cooling down of the kettle can be accelerated by 

puring cold water into the kettle.

1.  Description of the function selection buttons: keep warm/boiling

Both switches (boiling and keeping warm) may be used together or sepa


rately to allow activation of different functions.

Press the boiling button 



 – the kettle will automatically switch off 

after the water has boiled.
Press  the  „keep  warm”  button 



  –  the  kettle  will  quickly  warm  up 

water to the pre-set temperature and will keep it warm at this tem


Press both buttons together – first the kettle will boil the water and 


then, after reaching the pre-set temperature, it will keep the tempera


Press the boiling button 



 or „keep warm” button 


 again to cancel 

the settings.
Each activity, pressing a button or another action, is accompanied by 


a signal sound.

2.  „Keep warm”

The  number  of  settings  and  the  temperature  of  different  settings  is 

changeable; it may be adjusted to an individual customer’s needs.

3.  Lighting:

Boiling mode – change of colour from blue to red.


Keep warm mode – soft, changing lighting illumination.


Keep  warm  function  –  the  color  of  the  lamp  indicates  the  set  tem-



Cleaning and maintenance

Always clean a cold kettle!


Remove the plug of the connecting cord from the power socket.


Take out the filter 




Clean the outside surfaces with a soft cloth moistened with washing-


up liquid.
In  order  to  remove  the  build-up  of  hard  water  film  from  the  outside 


and inside walls of the kettle, wipe them with a cloth moistened with 

Rinse the kettle with fresh water.


Filter replacement – descaling

In the event that scale builds up on the bottom of the kettle, it needs to be 

removed. 6% or 10% vinegar is used for this purpose.

Open the lid 




Take out the filter 




Wash the filter under running water.


Pour 0.5 l of vinegar and switch on the kettle.


Boil the vinegar and leave in the kettle for about 30 minutes.


Pour the vinegar out and rinse the kettle with fresh water.


Fill the kettle up with fresh water, boil the water and pour it out after 


is has boiled.
Repeat the above procedure if there still is scale on the bottom.


When the procedure is finished, replace the fiter 



 in the kettle, fol


lowing the procedure of taking the filter out in reverse order.

Negligence in descaling the kettle may results in its damage.

Содержание 17Z016

Страница 1: ...Typ 17Z016 Instruc iuni de utilizare FIERB TOR ELECTRIC ZELMER Tip 17Z016 ZELMER T 17Z016 ZELMER 17Z016 2 5 PL 6 9 CZ 10 13 SK 14 17 HU 30 33 UA 22 25 RU 26 29 BG 18 21 RO Naudojimo instrukcija ELEKT...

Страница 2: ...adzorem lub zgodnie z instrukcj u ytkowania sprz tu przekazanej przez osoby odpowiadaj ce za ich bezpiecze stwo PL Nale y zwraca uwag na dzieci aby nie bawi y si sprz tem Sprz t nie jest przeznaczony...

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Страница 4: ...i w czy czajnik na ciskaj c przycisk 6 Ostygni cie czajnika mo na przyspieszy wlewaj c do niego zimn wod 1 Opis dzia ania przycisk w wyboru funkcji podtrzymanie tempe ratury podgrzanie Oba przyciski g...

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Страница 11: ...udr iavania teploty 7 Presn kontrola teploty v rozmedziach 3 C 8 Popis v znamu tla tok pre vo bu jednotliv ch funkci udr iavanie teploty ohrevu Korpus kanvice 1 Lievik 2 Kovov teleso 3 Ukazovate hladi...

Страница 12: ...vanie teploty 7 kanvica okam ite ohreje vodu na predom nastaven teplotu a t to teplotu bude udr iava Po stla en oboch tla tok dosiahne voda bod varu a potom bude udr iavan predom nastaven teplota Po o...

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Страница 16: ...laszt k nak a gombjainak m k d s nek a le r sa h tart s felmeleg t s Mind a k t gomb h tart s felmeleg t s egybe haszn lhat k vagy k l n egyes funkci k m k dtet se c lj b l Nyomja be a forral s gombj...

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Страница 20: ...cirea sa cca 15 minute trebuie s l lua i de pe baza deta abil s l repune i la loc i s l pune i n func iu ne ap s nd butonul nr 6 R cirea fierb torului electric poate fi gr bit dac se toarn n el ap rec...

Страница 21: ...rb tor cca 30 de minute V rsa i o etul i cl ti i fierb torul cu ap curat Umple i fierb torul cu ap proasp t fierbe i o pe urm v rsa i apa n cazul n care au mai r mas depuneri de calcar pe fundul fierb...

Страница 22: ...22 230 V 10 A RU Zelmer max o...

Страница 23: ...23 ZELMER LVD 2006 95EC EMC 2004 95 EC CE 1 2 3 kW 3 1 5 4 spektrum a b c 5 6 7 3 C 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 ON OFF 7 KEEP WARM 8 9 10 11 a...

Страница 24: ...24 5 9 3 3 4 10 6 o 15 6 1 O 6 7 6 7 2 3 o 9...

Страница 25: ...25 6 10 5 9 0 5 30 9 K PE...

Страница 26: ...26 230 V 10A BG...

Страница 27: ...27 ZELMER LVD 2006 95 EC EMC 2004 108 EC CE 1 2 3 kW 3 1 5 4 a b c 5 6 7 3 C 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 ON OFF 7 KEEP WARM 8 9 10 11...

Страница 28: ...28 5 9 3 3 4 10 6 15 6 1 6 7 6 7 2 3 9...

Страница 29: ...29 6 10 5 9 0 5 30 9...

Страница 30: ...30 220 240 17Z016 10 A UA...

Страница 31: ...31 ZELMER LVD 2006 95 EC EMC 2004 108 EC 1 2 1 5 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 C 11 1 Hoc 2 C 3 4 5 6 ON OFF 7 KEEP WARM 8 Py 9 10 11 max...

Страница 32: ...32 5 3 4 10 15 1 2 3...

Страница 33: ...33 c 6 10 0 5 30 26663 19848 5 40 1 15150...

Страница 34: ...aisti su prietaisu ranga n ra skirta darbui su i oriniais laiko i jungikliais arba atskira nuotolinio reguliavimo sistema Ne jung prietaiso jeigu maitinimo laidas korpusas arba laikiklis turi matomus...

Страница 35: ...alaikymas ap vietimo spalva priklauso nuo nustatytos temperat ros 5 Didelis palaikom temperat r pasirinkimas temperat ros idealiai tinkamos kavai arbatai ir pan 6 Galimyb labai greitai u virinti vande...

Страница 36: ...funkcijas Nuspauskite virinimo mygtuk 6 vandeniui u virus virdulys i si jungs automati kai Nuspauskite ilumos palaikymo mygtuk 7 virdulys greitai pa il dys vanden iki anks iau nustatytos temperat ros...

Страница 37: ...akmen pakartokite proced r dar kart Baig valyti d kite filtr 9 atgal virdul atlikdami veiksmus prie in ga filtro i mimui tvarka Nepa alinus kalki nuos d virdulys gali perkaisti ir sugesti Ekologija r...

Страница 38: ...s korpuss vai rokturis ir redzami boj ti Tad ier ci j atdod servisa punktam Neiz emtiet kontaktdak u no rozetes velkot aiz vada LV Ja neizsl dzamais jaudas kabelis tika boj ts tad lai izvair tos no b...

Страница 39: ...WARM 8 Rokturis 9 Filtras pret sane iem 10 Temperat ras regulators 11 Vada glab anas nodal jums T jkannas sagatavo ana lieto anai iesl g ana un izmanto ana Pirms izmanto anas izmazg jiet t jkannu iek...

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Страница 41: ...est Kui eraldumatu voolujuhe on viga saanud tuleb ohtu v ltimiseks p rduda selle asendamiseks tootja v i hooldusesinduse kvalifit seeritud isiku poole Seadet tohib parandada ainult kvalifitseeritud sp...

Страница 42: ...11 Toitejuhtme hoiukoht Teekannu t ks ettevalmistamine t lepanemine ning kasutamine Enne esmakasutamist tuleb teekann seest korralikult ra pesta pe semisviis on kirjeldatud kasutusjuhendis allpool t...

Страница 43: ...tuurist Puhastamine ja hooldus Puhasta ainult k lm kann V tke toitejuhe vooluv rgust v lja V tke filter kannust v lja Teekannu v lispinda puhastage pehme n upesemisvahendis niisu tatud lapiga Veeplekk...

Страница 44: ...pliance The appliance is not intended to be operated by means of an external timer or separate remote control system EN Do not operate the appliance if the cord the housing or the handle is visibly da...

Страница 45: ...tched on boil dry protection will prevent the heating elements from overheating Structure of the kettle 1 Spout 2 Kettle body 3 Water level indicator 4 Revolving power base 5 Lid release button 6 ON O...

Страница 46: ...the water and then after reaching the pre set temperature it will keep the tempera ture Press the boiling button 6 or keep warm button 7 again to cancel the settings Each activity pressing a button o...

Страница 47: ...reasons without notifying it in advance Ecology Environment protection Each user can protect the natural environment It is neither difficult nor expensive In order to do it put the cardboard packing i...

Страница 48: ...GW17 027...
