Installing Your zBoost® Signal Booster
Placement of the Signal Antennas
Choosing the best location for installation of the Signal Antenna provides the best performance and the
largest area of improved signal. Determine the location which provides the strongest signal using the signal
strength indicator on your cell phone. Find the location which provides the most bars of signal strength and
locate the Signal Antenna at that location. Th
is location will be typically found on the roof.
e YX699 Signal Meter (available separately) provides signal strength information. It can be used with its
supplied whip antenna to identify the area of strongest signal for placement of the Signal Antennas. It can
also be connected directly to the Signal Antennas to identify peak antenna alignment. Contact Wi-Ex to
obtain a YX699 Signal Meter.
Mounting Signal Antennas
When you have determined the location of the strongest signal, install the antennas to a mast or
j-pole (Not provided- OutdoorJ-pole Antenna Mounting Bracket, YX014). Loosely tighten the
antennas to the mast to allow the antennas to be reoriented for strongest signal.
Connect the provided coax from the panel antenna to the connection on the Signal Combiner
marked CEL. Connect the supplied 18” coaxial jumper from the Panel antenna to the other Signal
Combiner port marked PCS.
After installing the Signal Antennas to a mast or pole, connect them to the Signal Combiner (as pictured
below). Make sure to connect PCS and CEL outputs to the matching antenna. Connecting the antenna to
the wrong Signal Combiner port will not produce an improved signal. Th
en, connect either RG6 or RG11
(not included) coax cable to the opposite end of the Signal
Combiner going to the Base Unit.
Avoid placing the Signal Antenna near metal such as
wiring, A/C ducts, metal siding, truss plates, etc.
When connecting the cable to the antenna, run the cable
straight down from the antenna. Avoid draping the coax
near the antenna.
Outdoor Signal Antenna
Signal Combiner
e zBoost® YX645 requires at least 15 feet of vertical separation between the Base Unit and the
Signal Antennas. Generally, increasing this distance (up to 40 feet) will increase the performance and decreasing
the distance will limit zBoost® performance. (If 15 feet of separation is not possible, you may try our new
METRO model, which was designed for lofts and urban dwellings and requires no vertical separation.) Keep the
Base Unit off the fl oor and at least 2 feet away from other cords, metal objects or other wireless devices such as
wireless routers or wireless access points. Th
e zBoost® performs best when there are no obstructions between the
zBoost® Base Unit and your mobile device.
Upon initial power up, a solid GREEN light should appear indicating normal conditions. If a RED light
appears, adjustments may be needed to optimize performance. If you fi nd the increased signal coverage is
acceptable, however, no additional adjustments are needed. See Light Indicator section (Page 12) for more
Antenna Aiming
To get the maximum benefi t, , you will want to take special care to make sure you point the antennas in the
direction of the best signal for your wireless service provider. You may wish to use a YX699 RF signal meter
to help during this process.
Note: The Outdoor Signal Antenna must be pointed AWAY from the Indoor Antenna. Additionally, it
should be mounted of the roof edge, pointed away from the building
If you do not know which direction the best signal is coming from, once the unit is installed, rotate the
Signal Antennas in 90 degree increments while measuring the results inside the desired coverage area. In
most cases both Signal Antennas should be aimed in the same direction.
Using a phone operating in the Cellular band, place the cell phone on a non-metal surface about 6-8
feet from the Base Unit.
Turn the signal booster on and wait 30 seconds. Note the number of signal bars displayed on
your cell phone. For best results, you want to place your phone where the phone’s signal meter
displays in the middle of the signal meter range or less so that it can indicate as you rotate the
Signal Antenna to the optimum direction. If it is reading too high, move the phone farther from the
Indoor Antenna.
Record the number of signal bars or dBm________(A) on your cell phone. You can use our YX699
RF Signal Meter or an application on a smart phone to get the dBm. Leave the phone in exactly the
same place and pointing in the same direction for the following steps. Note the direction of the
CEL Panel Signal Antenna starting position ________________.
Rotate the CEL Panel Signal Antenna 90 degrees and then record the phone signal bars _________
Continue to rotate the antenna another 90 degrees in the same direction and record the phone
signal bars _________(C).
Again, rotate the antenna another 90 degrees in the same direction and again record the phone
signal bars _________(D).
If you desire to optimize further, then look for the two highest signal bar readings above and move
the antenna between these two points to fi nd the highest signal bars reading.
Look for the highest reading above. Set the antenna to that position and tighten the antenna to
the mast of your choosing. We suggest PVC pipe that is at least 1.5” or J-Pole (part # YX014, not
Using a phone operating in the Cellular band, place the cell phone on a non-metal surface about 6-8
feet from the Base Unit.
Turn the signal booster on and wait 30 seconds. Note the number of signal bars displayed on your
cell phone. For best results, you want to place your phone where the phone’s signal meter displays in
the middle of the signal meter range or less so that it can indicate as you rotate the Signal Antenna
to the optimum direction. If it is reading too high, you may want to move the phone farther from
the Indoor Antenna so that you are able to see the change when you reorient the Signal Antenna.