Event Server
Event Server
Click “Add” to create a event server then the setting page pops up. Name it, select your network type put on the
storage location. This is optional to create the password for certain group to use it. Then click the “Test” button
to see if it works, it will show the information on the pop-up window to see your setting if has been made
3 types of event transmission offered to select. There is a range 0~7 seconds can be selected individually for
pre-event and post-event. 3 suffix options for naming image file by
Date Time
Sequential Number.
SD Card
Make sure to insert the SD Card first then click “on”. Create a folder name for event server in SD Card.
Optional selection for overwrite the previous file or not, if not, you may set a warning when the capacity below
the following percentage:5%, 10%, 25% and 50%.
Event List
Event List