MP3 Player
Model: ZA-503)
Version: 1.0 6 of 12 07/07/07
Display folder name.
Only displaying valid folder but also the root folder. Key function
Short push or long push [NEXT], selecting bar will switch to next folder and rolling with double
Short push or long push [PREV], selecting bar will switch to PREV folder and rolling with double
Pitching on the folder by short push [MODE] and return to stop state. If current folder is changed,
do set current folder become the first, or file and play position wouldn’t change.
Long push [PLAY] to switch off the machine.
Return to stop mode by short push [PLAY] key.
Enter record function by short push [A/B].
MUSIC Playing state
It will display current music message when entering playing interface, and begin to play music and do
continue play music from current position if it is switched from lyric playing state.
Displaying as follows:
Key function
Short push [MODE] key
Enter playing menu.
Long push [MODE] key
If it has lyric, it will enter lyric display; if it hasn’t lyric, it will stop to play
and enter main menu.
Short push [PLAY] key
Enter stop display.
Long push [NEXT] key
Fast forward until music end.
Long push [PREV] key
Fast backward until music beginning.
Short push [NEXT] key
Music will fade out after 2 seconds and jump to next music.
Short push [PREV] key
Music will fade out after 2 seconds and jump to previous music.
Short push [A/B] key
Enter repeat displaying, point “A” is confirmed.
Disposing wrong file
It will display format error when appears error file, after 2 seconds and return stop state.
Play menu interface
Push [MODE] key and enter into Play menu interface, providing the following function
Set A-B mode of music.
Set EQ of playing music.
(Tempo Rate)
Adjust the tempo rate of music (except WMA format).
Enter repeat mode, beginning to repeat.
(Replay Times)
Set repeat times.
(Replay Gap)
Set repeat space very time.