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Inputs from IN1 to IN4 on the ROM-24 receiver are fully configurable. The configuration is carried out only using EXTA LIFE mobile app.

The configuration includes the following items:

-  Selecting the type of connector coupled to inputs IN1 to IN4,

-  Selecting the operating mode for specific inputs,

-  Channel activation time setpoints if time mode was selected as input operating mode.

The app also allows the substitution of the order of inputs so the connector connected to the input can control any channel in the ROM-24 receiver.

Default settings for inputs IN1/IN2:

●  Connector type: monostable (button)

●  Operating mode: bistable

●  Input IN1: controls channel 1 (CH1)

●  Input IN2: controls channel 2 (CH2)

●  Input IN3: controls channel 3 (CH3)

●  Input IN4: controls channel 4 (CH4)

To change inputs configuration:

1. Launch the application and open the Devices screen.

2. When configuring the operating mode for inputs for specific channel from editing menu, select “Configure”.

3. After opening the configuration screen, first set the “Input type” field. The following types are available:

-   monostable connector (button),

-  bistable connector.

4. Next, set the operating mode for input — “Input mode” field. The modes available for selection depend on the “Input type”.

Modes for the monostable connector

Modes for the bistable connector













5. During the next step, depending on the selected input operating mode, set the number of input to control this channel (applies to bistable, time, monostable, 

activate, deactivate). For on/off mode, set the input to be used for the activate function and output for the deactivate function.

6. If time mode was selected, you must also declare the activation time for the output from cable input. The time can be set from 1 s to 18 h in the format of  

hour : minutes : seconds.

  CAUTION: The activation time is assigned to the output. Remember that during mapping, i.e. changing the order of inputs.

7. After configuring all the settings press “Save” to save the configuration in the receiver.


-  Specific input can be assigned to several outputs simultaneously which enables the user to use one input to control several channels of the 

ROM-24 receiver.

-  If the mode selected is on / off, then only one of the inputs can always be set as the one 

performing the activate function and the other as deactivate function.

-  With monostable connectors, i.e. buttons the inputs react only to short pulses (rising slope). 

The exception is the monostable mode in which the output is active as long as the button 

connected to the receiver’s input is pressed.

-  With bistable connectors, the inputs react to the rising and falling slope. This means that any 

change in connector’s position triggers the specific mode.

-  The inputs are designed for long-term triggering which is particularly important for use with 

connectors (long-term phase voltage supplied to input).

With ROM-24 receiver, you can configure the status of the output after activating supply voltage. By default, the outputs are configured as “off”.

Available output states after activation of supply voltage:

- off

- on

- previous state.

If you selected “previous state” after activating supply voltage, the output after engaging the supply voltage will operate in the state it was before turning off. 

Time mode is an exception here — cutting the voltage during time measurement, then after reapplying the power, the output will operate in deactivated state.

Status of the specific output after activating the 

supply voltage can be set on configuration tab 

for the channel.




After clearing the receiver’s memory (channels 1 to 4) all buttons are removed from the memory. Clearing the memory includes unpairing (removal) of the 

complete receiver from an EXTA LIFE controller. If there are buttons entered in time mode in the receiver’s memory, then after clearing the memory also 

the individually assigned times were cleared. Global time assumes the default value of 10 s.
To clear the complete receiver’s memory, do the following:

1. Press the PROG button for approximately 5 s until STATUS LED lights up.

2. After the STATUS LED goes off, “Led_CH1” LED will come on. Then, release the PROG button and wait until STATUS LED lights up.

3. After the STATUS diode lights up, again briefly press PROG button.

4. After approx. 3 s, the STATUS LED will start blinking which informs that you entered deleting procedure. Completion of the deleting procedure is signalled 

by the STATUS and “Led_CH1” LEDs going off.

After this procedure, the receiver will be restarted which is indicated by blinking of the STATUS LED for approximately 5 s.

To register the receiver ROM-24 in the system it is necessary to connect an EXTA LIFE controller and install the EXTA LIFE mobile app. The receivers must 

be connected to 230 VAC power supply. The receivers are saved in the system only if they have been successfully paired with the controller. Procedure:

1.  Launch the application and open the Devices screen.
2.  Select the Receivers tab and press “+” 

 to start searching for receivers installed in the system. The discovery takes up to 60 s. You can terminate it 

earlier by pressing Stop. If the receivers are in the range of the controller, they will automatically appear on the list with its default name, which is the 

receiver model (ROM-24) with its six-digit ID in the suffix 


3.  After completion of the discovery procedure 

 by pressing “TEST”, it is possible to quickly find the receiver (all channels for the receiver will be active 

as long as the TEST button is pressed).

4.  By selecting the boxes next to “TEST” 

 button you can select receivers to pair with the EXTA LIFE controller. You can select more than one receiver 

with the selection boxes.

5.  Press PAIR to pair the selected receivers. The selected receivers will be recorded in the system and appear in the Receivers tab 


6.  ROM-24 receivers after pairing are always shown as four channels from channel 1 (CH1) to channel 4 (CH4). A default icon is assigned to each channel.
7.  The receivers after pairing can be controlled right away using switches in the application. The receiver status is signalled using the switch position and 

an icon 

. By default, the control is executed in on / off mode. If you set the “activation time” parameter on the configuration tab, then the receiver will 

begin work in time mode with the declared time. The time can be set within the range from 1 s to 18 h.

8.  You can pair one receiver at a time; once PAIR has been pressed, you can assign a new name to the receiver. In the event of simultaneous pairing of 

more receivers, they are automatically saved with the default names unless individual names have been assigned to them before pairing.

9.  An individual name and icon (from the base of available icons) may be assigned to each channel of ROM-24 receiver also after the pairing operation.
10. Only when paired can the receivers be used in the system for further configuration (assigned to users, categories, building scenes, time or logical func-


Each ROM-24 receiver registered in the system may be removed. Removal is the “unpairing” of a receiver from the controller’s assets.

CAUTION: With ROM-24 receiver you cannot remove, i.e. unpair only single channel. Removing one channel always results in removal of the re-

ceiver as a whole from the controller’s memory (system).

To remove a receiver from the EXTA LIFE system:

1. Launch the application and open the Devices screen.

2. Select the Receivers tab and then from the editing menu for a receiver or channel, select “Remove”.

3. The receiver after removal is automatically deleted from the list of paired receivers.

Input configuration block 

for channel 1 on ROM-24 

