Zamel MATEC FGP80/0.5 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 2

VER. 001_5.09.2016

VER. 001_5.09.2016


1. Before purchasing it is necessary to measure the areas where we want to use he-

ating foils. When planning the distribution of heating foil, you should pay attention

to elements of the room, stationary equipment or furniture placed in it, which will

constitute an obstacle to the fl ow of heat from the ground. Placing the foil should

bypass the abovementioned elements and provide good dissipation of heat.

2. The foil should be selected depending on the required surface.

3. Prior to the distribution of heating foil, the fl oor must be aligned. Clean it, especially

of the sharp and dangerous elements.

4.  Unpack the components and perform visual assessment. Measure the resistance, 

verify it with the value on the rating plate and enter to the Warranty Card.

5. Before installation, lay out the foil on a dry and clean surface at a distance of 5

cm from the wall to mark the fl oor power supply points of each heating module. It

is important to mark places to perform grooves for power supply cables, electrical

connections and corrugated fl exible nylon conduit of fl oor probe to the tempera-

ture controller. On the wall, mark place for the junction box and the temperature

controller box. In the selected places grooves with suffi cient depth for installed

elements should be performed (so that the elements do not protrude and do not

bulge the panels).

6. After preparation of the grooves in the fl oor and wall, spread foam pads with alu-

minium foil layer on the concrete. Place the aluminium foil with its shield upward,

so that its whole surface connects with the lower insulating layer of the FTP-80/0,5 

heating foil. The aluminium foil must have a continuous electric conduction. It must be connected to the ground (the yellow-green cable of 

the mains). Cut holes in foam pads with aluminium foil, so that they cover the grooves in the fl oor. Foam pads are placed always directly 

from the wall.

7. Then we put the corrugated fl exible nylon conduit with a temperature controller sensor in the groove on the fl oor. The area where the

conduit is placed, a groove is also cut in the foam pad with an aluminium foil layer. The distance of the controller’s sensor in the corrugated 

fl exible nylon conduit from the wall should be at least 0.5m. Lead the cable in the corrugated fl exible nylon conduit into the junction box

along the groove in the wall.

8. Heating foils with previously prepared suffi cient lengths must be spread at evenly distributed foam pads with aluminium foils and the con-

troller’s sensor laid in the fl oor. At this stage measure the resistance of the heating foil and verify them with the ones given on the rating

plate. Spread cables from the heating foil and insert them into the junction box. If several strips of the heating foil are connected to one

temperature controller, then they must be connected and fastened with each other in parallel in one of the middle junction boxes, and the

two single wires L, N should be connected to the controller. For the junction boxes lead cable to the grounding aluminium foil blacking

foam (conductor green-yellow).

9. All adjacent modules of the heating foil should be connected by reinforced tape. Connection by tape protects against overlapping of the

heating foil (unacceptable) and simultaneously prevents the formation of gaps between foils while spreading the insulation foil and panels. 

Connection of heating foils by tape should be done before connection the power cables to mains.

10. Remove the white tape from the tape insulating all the ends of the heating foil before connecting to power supply (Figure 2).

11. Perform a draft or take photos of distributed heating foils in the room. Mark the installation place of fl ush-mounted junction box for the

temperature controller, power supply, protective grounding and fl oor sensor with a cable in the corrugated fl exible nylon conduit. The draft

or photos are an integral part of the as-built documentation.

12. After verifying the correct operation of the modules, the damp insulation foil must be dismantled on them (with a minimum thickness of

0.25mm) and put the fl oor panels (Figure 3).

13. After work completion, it is necessary to verify fi nally the correct operation of the heating modules and make an entry of resistance me-

asurements in the Warranty Card.

Heating foil can be cut in designated places (every 0.25m).  

Along the cut, the edge of conductive surface must be protected with

protective tape to protect against electric shock. 

Both ends of the heating foil must be tightly secured with an insulation tape of an

appropriate thickness (Figure 2). Before connecting to the installation remove the white tape media from the insulating tape. To protect the 

ends of the heating foil, the tape of mounting kit ZM-02 can be used.



ZAMEL Sp. z o.o. declares and warrants that the electric heating systems (controller, heating foils) manufactured and supplied by ZAMEL Sp. z o.o. are pro-

ducts made in accordance with regulations of the company and reference standards currently in force in Poland. The warranty covers all products by ZAMEL 

Sp. z o.o., provided proper storage, transportation, laying and maintenance in accordance with applicable standards.

The ZAMEL Sp. z o.o. product warranty (heating foils and controllers) is 2 years and applies to defects caused only and exclusively on the fault 

of the manufacturer.



ZAMEL Sp. z o. o. provides the warranty for all manufactured products by ZAMEL Sp. z o. o. The warranty on the FGP heating foils and regulators is 2


years. It applies to defects caused only and exclusively on the fault of the manufacturer. The warranty period is valid from the date of sale to the Final


recipients or from Distributor to the Recipient. VAT invoice issued by the ZAMEL Sp. z o. o. for a Distributor or a receipt for a Recipient issued by the


Distributor are proofs of the sale of the product.


 Method of settling the complaint shall be governed by law and ZAMEL Sp. z o. o.


The complaint submitted by the Recipient is considered within 14 days from the date of its proper application. The registry of a complaint occurs only after 

notifi cation in writing by a direct Recipient upon presentation of VAT invoice (or its number and date of issue) and a properly completed Warranty Card.


 Correctly and completely fi lled Warranty Card should contain a draft or a photo of the installed heating foil

 and grounding

The draft should show:

•  spreading of heating foil with distances from walls and fi xed joinery

•  mounting place of the temperature sensor and power supply cables (with distances)



Consideration of the complaint takes place on-site when the product is already installed on a permanent basis. Then ZAMEL Sp. z o. o. shall carry out


visual inspection and necessary measurements of the installed product on-site. In case ZAMEL Sp. z o. o. will determine that it is not the manufacturer of 

the claimed product or will state illegitimacy of the complaint, then ZAMEL Sp. z o. o. will charge the CLAIMANT for all costs related to the consideration


of the complaint.


When accepting the complaint ZAMEL Sp. z o. o. will replace the faulty device and will cover the costs directly associated with the installation and assembly.


The warranty is void in following cases:

•  carrying out any service intervention by anyone who is unauthorized by the manufacturer

•  mechanical damage of the device

•  improper power supply

•  carrying out electrical installation not in accordance with the applicable regulations

•  failure to follow the instruction manual of MATEC.


In case of a complaint submitted by an indirect Recipient of the ZAMEL product, the Recipient should carry out the complaint by his direct Supplier he


bought the product from.  

NOTE: The installer is obliged to provide the user with as-built documentation and a completed Warranty Card. 

ZAMEL sp. z o.o.



Street/Home/Flat no.



Electrican name and surname

No. of Certifi ed Electrican


No. of Certifi ed Electrican/Expire data of 

Certifi ed Electrican

Installation date

Resistance measurement result of the heating foil

1-st measurement:

 ______________________ Ω

2-nd measurement:

 ______________________ Ω

3-rd measurement:

 ______________________ Ω


in the case of shortening 

the heating foil 

LENGTH FOIL after shortening : ............... m

RESISTANCE heating foil after shortening

1-st measurement:

 ______________________ Ω

2-nd measurement:

 ______________________ Ω

3-rd measurement:

 ______________________ Ω

No electrical current powers

Rys.  1.  Schemat  podłączenia  w  puszce  elektrycznej 

folii grzejnej i uziemienia za pośrednictwem regulato-

ra temperatury do instalacji elektrycznej:

Grounded foam pad with an aluminium foil layer or any 

other metallised foil. Foam pad is placed with its alumin-

ium foil upward and it connects with the whole surface of 

the graphite heating foil.

The resistance value of the heating foil 

has a tolerance of +5% / -10% of the no-

minal resistance value

Table 1

Points that must be secured with an appro-

priate insulation tape for breakdown voltage 

minimum 1.2 kV – it is a protection against 

electric shock. 

Fig. 2


Operation of the heating system is limited to switching on the temperature regulator and adjusting the desired temperature, and periodic electrical measure-

ments in compliance with regulations in force in the country of use.

Connection of the heating foil to the electrical installation should be done by an installer with valid electric 

permissions. Installation should be done in accordance with applicable national regulations.

In case pf shortening the foil, it is necessary to write down the following information in the Warrany Card: 

the lenght of the shortened section of the heating foil and the value of the measured resistance of the 

foil. After cutting the heading foil pay attention that the foil resistance contains the value included in the 

resistance rang  (Table 1).

Fig. 3. Floor layers using heating foil.

(On the label foil heater located on the power cable and a label affi xed to the guarantee 

should be deleted length fi lm producer and the resistance and enter the actual values):

Installer signature  / Stamp / Date

A place to stick a label foil heating

residual current 

circuit breaker

The length of the he-

ating foil FGP80/05 [m]

Nominal resistance


Temperature sensor probe 

(on the concrete)

Laminated fl oor panels

Damp proof insulation foil (PE), 

0,25 mm thick

Heating foil FGP 80/05

Aluminium foil layer

Foam pad with an aluminium foil 

or another metallised foil with a 

minimum 0,015 mm thickness 

(aluminium foil layer upward)




L (black/brown)



N (blue)

Fig. 1 Connection diagram of the heating foil and 

grounding by means of a temperature controller:

(at junction box)
