Manufacturer provides a 24-month warranty
Seller’s stamp and signature, date of sale
1. ZAMEL Sp. z o.o. shall offer a 24-month warranty on the products sold.
2. The warranty provided by ZAMEL Sp. z o.o. shall not cover:
a) mechanical damage caused during transport, loading/unloading or in other circumstances,
b) damage caused by incorrect installation or operation of products manufactured by ZAMEL Sp. z o.o.,
c) damage resulting from any changes made by the BUYER or third parties in the products sold or equipment necessary for the
proper operation of the products sold,
d) damage resulting from force majeure or other fortuitous events for which ZAMEL Sp. z o.o. is not liable.
3. Any warranty claims shall be made by the BUYER at the point of sale or to ZAMEL z o.o. in writing after defects have been identi-
4. ZAMEL Sp. z o.o. undertakes to handle complaints in accordance with the applicable provisions of Polish law.
5. The choice of the form of complain resolution, e.g. replacement of a product with a product free from defects, repair, or reimburse-
ment of money, shall lie with ZAMEL Sp. z o.o.
6. The warranty does not exclude, limit, or suspend BUYER’s rights under the statutory warranty for defects in the item sold.
NOTE! The ZCM-42 controller should be connected
to a one-phase network in accordance with legally
binding standards. Any activities related to instal-
lation, connection, and adjustment should be per-
formed by qualified electricians who have read this
user’s manual and familiarised themselves with de-
vice functions.
1. Disconnect the power supply circuit with a fuse, cir-
cuit breaker, or a switch disconnector connected to
the appropriate circuit.
2. Check voltage-free condition on power cables using a
proper measuring instrument.
3. Connect the ZCM-42 device according to the wiring
4. Feed supply voltage.
5. Configure the device (see CONFIGURING THE DEVICE).
6. Check if the device operates properly.
If the U/STATUS LED is turned off after connecting the device to the power supply, press and hold the Wi-Fi button for 3 seconds, which will activate the Wi-
Fi module in the programmer. Then on a mobile device search for a Wi-Fi network with the name that starts with ZCM-42-XXXX and connect to it by entering
the proper password (default password: zamel123). Then enter in an Internet browser. The „Home Page” of the ZCM-42 programmer (Fig. 1)
will be displayed, containing information on the current firmware version, date, time, sunrise and sunset times, and geographical coordinates. Below you can
find buttons used to turn on/off relays. The bar at the bottom allows you to switch between individual tabs.
The second tab is used to control schedules (Fig. 2). At the top of the tab you can choose schedule type. Below you can find a list of saved schedules of
a given type as well as information on when a given schedule will be executed and what action it will trigger. The user can turn on/off every schedule and
delete it. Go to the schedule adding screen by pressing the „+” button in the bottom right corner. There is a field for selecting schedule type at the top (you
can choose between one-time, weekly, astro, and exception type). The next fields to be displayed depend on the type of schedule selected. For one-time
schedules, you can configure date and time; for weekly schedules, you can configure the hour and day of the week; for astro schedules, you can configure
the day of the week, event (sunrise or sunset), and time shift (in the range of -120 to +120 minutes). For exceptions, you can define the date and the range of
hours for which the exception is to apply. The last element to be defined before saving a schedule/an exception is the action to be triggered – you can choose
between turning on/off a single relay or both relays, turn on a relay for a defined time, and for exceptions – operation according to one-time schedules. After
all settings are made, press the „Add schedule” / „Add exception” button.
The third tab is used to export / import schedules (Fig. 3). Press the „Export” button to save all schedules on the memory of the device from which the configu-
ration is made. The „export.zcnf” file is saved in the default folder for files downloaded in the browser. To import schedules that have already been exported,
first choose the file in which they are stored and then press the „Import” button.
The fourth tab (Fig. 4) allows you to configure time settings (date, hour), settings for geographical coordinates (required to calculate sunrise and sunset
times), Wi-Fi settings, input settings, and language settings. In the Wi-Fi settings, you can change the password for the programmer Wi-Fi network, enter
the SSID and password for the router, and
update the firmware. In the input settings,
you can configure the „Switch time” param-
eter for each input, which defines the time
(in minutes) for which the relay correspond-
ing to a given input will be turned on (time
„0” means that the relay will not be turned
off automatically), while the „Time-based
mode” parameter (in seconds) allows you to
define the time for which schedules operat-
ing in time-based mode will turn on relays.
You can also select the users language in
the fourth tab.
To restore the clock to the factory settings,
press and hold the PROG button for 10 sec-
onds. (NOTE: All saved schedules will also
be deleted).
The firmware of the ZCM-42 programmer can be updated remotely. This operation requires a router connected to the Internet. In the programmer settings,
enter the SSID name and the password for the route and then save the programmer firmware settings. Then press the „Update firmware” button. The ZCM-
42 programmer will try to connect to the router Wi-Fi network and will check if there if a firmware update is available. If it is, it will download and update the
firmware. Once the firmware update process is completed, the programmer will restart automatically and return to normal operation.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
1250 W AC5b
300 W AC5a
100 W
600 W AC5a
450 W AC5a