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plik: pnm-10_inst_ext_gb | modyfikacja: 23.09.2020
PNM - 10
Power supply terminals: L, N
Rated supply voltage: 230 V AC
Tolerance of supply voltage: from -15 to +10 %
Nominal frequency: 50 / 60 Hz
Rated power consumption: 35 mA
Voltage value control indicator: green LED
Power/relay supply indicator and “soft net”: red LED
Voltage threshold adjustment: 2x rotary potentiometer
Voltage threshold adjustment range U
: from 170 to 225 V
Voltage threshold adjustment range U
: from 235 to 290 V
Switch off time adjustment t
: from 0 to 12 s rotary potentiometer
Time/Voltage measure accuracy: ±1,5 / ±5 %
Switch off time after “soft net” detection: 10 min (LED red pulses)
Output relay parameters: 1NO/NC - 10 A / 250 V AC1 2500 VA
Number of terminal clamps: 5
Section of connecting cables: from 0,2 to 2,50 mm
Ambient temperature range: from -20 to +60
Operating position: free
Mounting: TH35 rail (PN-EN 60715)
Protection degree: IP20 (PN-EN 60529)
Overvoltage category: II
Pollution degree: 2
Rated impulse withstand voltage: 2 kV (PN-EN 61000-4-5)
Dimensions (height / width / depth): single-module (17,5 mm) 90x17,5x66 mm
Weight: 0,07 kg
● It is used to protect one phase output
(load) from voltage drop,
● voltage value control indicator,
● power/relay supply indicator,
● minimum value adjustment
(170 ÷ 225 V) and maximum
(235 ÷ 290 V) voltage,
● switch off time delay adjustment
(0 ÷ 12 seconds),
● “soft net” effect detection,
● voltage relay output - 1 change over
contact (NO/NC) max 10 A capacity,
● monomodular casing,
● TH-35 DIN rail installation.
PNM-10 voltage relays is used for
control of voltage values in the single-
phase networks to protected the receiver
against increase or decrease of voltage
outside the set values: minimum and
maximum. The relay is equipped with
switching off time regulation. The sys-
tem detects a so-called effect of “soft
net” switching the receiver off for 10 min-
The device should be con-
nected to a one-phase network
in accordance with legally bind-
ing standards. The connection
method is described in this man-
ual. Any activities related to in-
stallation, connection, and adjustment should
be performed by qualified electricians who
have read this user’s manual and familiarised
themselves with device functions. Removing
the enclosure voids the warranty and poses
a risk of electric shock. Before installation,
make sure that there is no voltage on connec-
tion cables. To install the device, use a cross-
head screwdriver with a diameter of 3.5 mm.
The proper operation of the device is affected
by how the device is transported, stored, and
used. It is not advisable to install the device in
the following cases: lack of any components,
damage to or deformation of the device. If the
device operates improperly, please contact
the manufacturer.
Do not dispose of this device together
with other waste! To avoid harmful effects
on the environment and human health,
the worn-out device should be stored
in designated areas. Electrical waste
from households may be handed over
to the waste collector established for
this purpose free of change and in any
amount, as well as to the store when
purchasing new equipment.
Power supply terminals (L, N)
Voltage value control indicator
Power/relay supply indicator
“soft net” effect
Maximum voltage value adjustment
Minimum voltage value adjustment
Switch off delay time threshold
Output terminals (11, 12, 14)