50 VPN Settings-IKE
Tunnel Name:
Indicate which tunnel that is focused now
Local subnet:
The subnet of LAN site of local VPN router. It can be a host, a partial
subnet, and the whole subnet of LAN site of local router.
Local Netmask:
Local netmask combined with local subnet to form a subnet domain.
Encapsulation Protocol:
There are three protocols to select : ESP, AH, ESP+AH.
PFS Group:
There are five options can be selected: Disable, Group 1, Group 2, Group 5,
and Same as phase 1.
You can select a DH Group for Phase 2 Key exchanging, or use
the same DH Group as Phase 1, or, disable PFS option.
Aggressive Mode:
Enabling this mode will accelerate establishing tunnel, but the
devicewill suffer from less security in the meanwhile. Hosts in both ends of the tunnel
must support this mode so as to establish the tunnel properly.
Preshare Key:
The first key that supports IKE mechanism of both VPN router and VPN
client host for negotiating further security keys. The pre-shared key must be same for