improve accuracy, the 500DL uses a proprietary algorithm to collect
data from pulsatile arterial blood and excludes local noise from the
tissues. The relative absorption of light by oxyhemoglobin (HbO) and
deoxyhemoglobin is then calculated according to the Beer-Lambert's
law and a quantitative measurement of the users’ oxyhemoglobin
status i.e. Oxygen saturation level (SpO
) is derived.
Due to the sensitivity of the pulse oximeter, finger should be kept
stationary during measurement. It is recommended that you use this
device for measurement before or after sports. Do not use for
continuous monitoring.
Intended Use
The Zacurate® 500DL Finger Pulse Oximeter is a portable non-invasive
device intended for spot-checking of oxygen saturation of arterial
hemoglobin (SpO
) and pulse rate (PR) of adult and children (>2 years
Product Features
Lightweight, portable and easy to use
Large LED screen for easy reading
Low Battery indicator
Automatic shut down if no signal is detected after 8seconds.