Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N 8
ST, STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 USA
If You Have Received a System from Z3 with the Software Preloaded
To start working with the encoder, you can go straight to Section 6.0, “RUNNING THE ENCODER,” on
page 11. This section describes how to quickly generate a UDP or RTP stream to VLC, how to change
bitrate dynamically, how to adjust the UDP TS rate, how to tune for latency, and how to use DHCP.
Encoding from HDMI is described. For encoding from component or composite, see Section 6.11,
“Encoding from Component or Composite In,” on page 28.
Details on streaming RTMP can be found in Section 7.0, “ STREAMING RTMP,” on page 29. There are
additional notes on successfully configuring Wowza in APPENDIX A: Configuring the Wowza Server for
RTMP” on page 50.
If You Already Have a System from Z3 and Need to Update the Firmware
You can update the firmware via the web GUI interface by following the instructions in Section 8.2,
“Making a Firmware Update” on page 33.
Please Note:
Actual version numbers for your Z3 product may differ from those pictured in this document.