Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N 8
ST, STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 U.S.A.
After booting up and running through the beginning of the sequence, a menu will appear. You will
have the option to manually change the behavior of the system. Below is a screenshot of a
terminal console of the system with the default prompt. Use the computer keyboard to operate
Z3 Technology, LLC DM8168-MOD v1.00.01
H.264 multichannel demo
| Current |
| P - Change local IP address
| N - Change netmask
| G - Change default gateway
| N - Number of Channels 16
| 1 - Change H.264 channel config
| URL: rtp://
| VBRATE: 2000000
| VFRATE: 30
| VDELAY: 2000
| S - Start streaming |
| W - Write configuration to flash |
| X - eXit to prompt |
Press “S” to start the demo.
You can change the parameters by pressing 1 and then paging through the parameters as they are
presented. You can select a file-based url if you want to save the stream to file. A valid file url is
” or just “path/file”. For example, to save to a USB drive, you might select
” or “/media/sda1/video”. The framework will append a channel
number and extension on each file created. One file is created for each channel.