midi #06 read no
To change the midi channel, rotate the first knob. The channel is preserved in
non-volatile memory at power down.
SYSEX read and dump. The second and third menu items are used for sysex
dumps and reads.
For a sysex restore of all 99 presets from a MIDI sequencer. When the second
menu says read, then you may rotate the third knob until the display says yes,
preparing the z-q2 to receive a previously stored sysex from a computer sequencer.
After setting the screen to display
read yes
start your sequencer playing the sysex dump. When the dump is proceeding, the
left-hand portion of the display counts down from 99 to 1 to indicate the memories
which are being restored. This takes only a few seconds.
For a sysex dump of all 99 presets to a MIDI sequencer, rotate the middle
knob (clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on where it was last set) until the
menu says dump. Then start the sequencer recording, and rotate the right-hand
knob until the menu shows a blinking yes indicator. During the dump, the
sequencer should indicate that it is receiving midi data. After all 99 memories have
been sent to the sequencer, the display returns to no.
Midi Program Change. Connect the output of a MIDI sequencer to the MIDI
in jack. Any time the Z-Sys sees a program change whose value is from 00 through
99, it will load the corresponding memory. In the preset load screen both a and b
memories change to the same when the program change command is received. Any
other screen will display the results of the program change. For obvious reasons,
response to program change is disabled in either the SAVE or LOAD screens.
MS Encode and Decode
This versatile feature can be used in several ways. Press the SYSTEM button
again to arrive at this screen:
The middle knob changes encode from no to yes, the right hand knob changes
MS decode from no to yes. The optional MS encoder in the z-q2 is located in front
of the gain, left and right channel adjustments and in front of the stereo equalizers.
The optional MS decoder is located after all processing and before the dither. In
the z-q2, the MS encoder is at unity gain, and the decoder drops the gain by exactly
6 dB, which turns out to be perfectly symmetrical---but you don’t need to know
how the math works to take advantage of MS mode. If the mode is set to MS Y, Y,
z-q2 Operations Manual version 1.0 1/2301 Page 4