Z.R. Tool Inc. - ZL90 Manual
Installation of Internal Assembly ZL90
Figure 1A
Place the cam as per drawing, with the long width
sitting flat in the die and knife block. Add white grease
throughout. Then place the eccentric shaft plunger on
top of the cam and fasten by pushing the connection
pin, position 21 (making sure the groove on this pin is
facing the outside of the die and knife block) through
hole in die and knife block and into like slot on
eccentric shaft plunger.
Figure 1B
Tilt the internal assembly approximately 20 degrees
and place into housing making sure the back up hook
is sitting in its slot in the housing.
Figure 1C
Make sure the cam lever is attached to the eccentric
shaft. Then push it through the hole of eccentric shaft
plunger and the housing until it is flush.
Figure 1D
Turn the cam with pliers in a clockwise direction until
it sits in position shown in this drawing.