both R1 Extenders are installed long distance apart.
Login the Web-based interface of the local R1 Extender and open “
Peer-to-Peer Setup
in “
”. Hit “
Align Antenna
” button, an antenna alignment tool will popup. Specify
the Target RSSI and click “
” to begin the antenna alignment.
Fix the local antenna and adjust the remote antenna elevation and horizontal direction.
During the adjustment, observe “
Current RSSI
” in local R1 Extender. Fix the remote
antenna when it reaches your expectation. Usually, RSSI between -60 and -70dBm
indicates rather good signal strength.
Adjust the local antenna after fixing the remote one. During the adjustment, observe
Current RSSI
” in the remote R1 Extender. Fix the local antenna when it reaches your
Congratulations! You have primarily completed configuration on R1 Extender and they can be
put into operation. For more advanced configurations, please refer to the User manual.
Chapter 4 Configuration Page 18