YX Technical department
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Add New
Click button Add New to expand the data input area to add new data. Fields are specified as
Data Status: Mark the status of current data record. Option values are Add/Edit. Value Add
means the data is new while value Edit means the data is old.
IMEI Start: Specify an initial IMEI value for the IMEI group, You need to enter the first 14
digits of the IMEI. The device will automatically complete the last check digit, and randomly
generate IMEI from this IMEI begin.
IMEI Size: Specify the number of IMEI backwards generated from the beginning
Click button Submit on the right to save the new data record.
All the records are displayed in list. Two operations are provided on the right of each record. Click
Edit to expand the current data record to Data Detail Area which is above the Data List.
Click button Submit on the right to save the old data record.
Click Delete on the right of each record to delete the current record. A message box will be
popped for delete confirmation.