Dual Probes, Probe Zero, Probe K Value, Front Edge Length,
Work Piece Thickness, Probe type, Probe frequency, Probe
Relevant Options
Setting Probe
DAC Echo, Gate A Start Position, TVG, Curve mode, RL, SL,
EL; AVG mode, Sensitivity, Aperture, AVG curve, Φ value
Setting of Making
Memory Number, Call Out, Storage, Deletion, Communication
Setting of Data Storage
1.5.2 Functional Keys
Automatic gain
Increase or decrease the highest wave inside the gate to 80% of the
Waveform freezing
Wave Peak Memory
Automatically store the highest wave
Full screen
Full screen display
Switch on and off
Menu control keys
Up, down, left, right,
Up/down keys are used to switch among options, left/right keys are
used to adjust values.
Chapter 2 Functions, features, and parameters of the instrument
2.1 Basic functions of the instrument
Wave peak memory:
real time envelopes show the highest wave of the flaws and record the
maximum value of the flaws, it is helpful to position the flaws precisely and scan the work piece quickly.
With the help of envelope waveform, the quality of the flaws can be determined.
Automatic gain:
automatically adjust the gain to the preset amplitude height
Alarming function:
afferent echo/echo loss alarming
Real-time clock:
automatically record and store the date and time of waveforms
Display freezing:
catch waveforms and sound path data at any moment, and the gate can be moved
after freezing to measure the echo parameters
Flaw positioning:
real-time display sound path S, horizontal X, depth Y, and wave height H
Digital Reject:
0-80%, increase by 1%, unaffecting the linearity and gain
Wave height reading:
three display modes, namely relative wave height, dB difference relative to
the gate, and dB difference relative to DAC curve
Data communication:
communicate with the computer through RS232 port to transmit waveforms
and data so as to manage the result of detection on the computer, and generate the flaw detection reports,