DO NOT RETURN STORE. For questions regarding assembly and use, call Customer Service: 877-441-6999.
After riding your vehicle in water, wash the vehicle in clean water as if it has been operated in
dirty water.
Riding over Rough Terrain
Riding over rough terrain should be done with caution. Look out for obstacles which could
cause damage to the vehicle or could lead to upset or accident. Be sure to keep both feet
inside the vehicle at all times. Avoid jumping the vehicle as loss of control and damage to the
vehicle may result.
Improperly operating over obstacles may cause a Potential Hazard
Could cause loss of control or a collision, may cause the vehicle to overturn.
To Avoid the Hazard
Before operating in a new area, check for obstacles.
Never attempt to ride over large obstacles, such as large rocks or fallen trees.
When you go over obstacles, always follow proper procedures as described in this guide.
Sliding and Skidding
Care should be used when riding on loose or slippery surfaces since the vehicle may slide. If
unexpected and uncorrected, sliding could lead to an accident.
If the rear wheels of your vehicle began to spin let off throttle and usually can regain control (if
there is room to do so on) by steering in the direction of the slide. Applying the brakes or
accelerating is not recommended until you have corrected the slide.
With practice, over a period of time, skills can be developed to avoid loss of control. The
terrain should be chosen carefully before attempting such maneuvers, since both stability and
control are reduced.