The performance of your batteries is dependent on many factors, our easy to follow
guide will help you to ensure you are following the correct steps to getting the most
out of your batteries.
User Weight -
A lighter user will find that they receive much more from their
battery than a heavier user. This is because the motor has to work harder to
propel the extra weight of the heavier user and will therefore draw more power
from the batteries. The recommended user weight should not be exceeded.
Terrain -
Just like with a heavier user, the motor must work much harder to push
the user up steep gradients which in turn causes a greater drain on the batteries.
The recommended gradient climb should not be exceeded.
Tyre Pressure -
If your Mobility Scooter or Powerchair is equipped with inflatable
tyres (pneumatic) then you must ensure that they are kept at their optimum
pressure to ensure efficient running. A poorly inflated tyre causes more drag and
forces the motor to work harder, draining the power from the batteries.
Temperature -
When temperatures drop below 10°C the working efficiency of
your batteries can drop significantly. Please bear this in mind if you find you are
receiving less mileage in the winter months. Try to store your batteries in a warm
place during the winter months.
- During the winter months when your Scooter or Powerchair is not in
use we recommend using a storage cover to protect from dust. If left outside
in the rain, overnight or on cold days we suggest an old blanket is wrapped
around the base of the seat above the batteries to keep them warm because
the cold air (normally under 10°C) affects the batteries. Don’t forget to charge
once a week if you are not using the Scooter or Powerchair for a long period.
Things to consider...