The “Occlusion” alarm appears if the infusion path is blocked (e.g. adapter, infusion set,
cannula).Confirm by tapping and disconnect the infusion set from the body. Then
perform the following actions:
Change the infusion set in accordance with the procedure on page 37 of this
Caregiver Guide.
Prime the tubing with the priming volume specified for the tubing and cannula
according to the volumes reported on pages 40 and 49 of this Caregiver Guide.
If priming of the new infusion set can be completed without an occlusion alarm,
therapy can be continued.
If an occlusion alarm occurs again while the new infusion set is being primed, the
cartridge must be changed in accordance with the procedure on page 37 of this
Caregiver Guide. If subsequent priming can be completed without an occlusion alarm,
therapy can be continued.
If an occlusion alarm occurs again while priming after having changed the cartridge,
the insulin pump is faulty and Customer Service must be consulted. You find the
contact details on the back of this Caregiver Guide.
Cartridge empty
The “Cartridge empty” alarm appears if the cartridge contains 0.0 U insulin. Confirm by
tapping . Change the cartridge in accordance with the procedure on page 37 of this
Caregiver Guide.