What happens if YOYOCare is out of GPS-‐coverage?
In "normal mode" YOYOCare will try to fix its position every 5 minutes. In
"alarm mode" (the alarm button has been pressed) the frequency will increase
to every 30 seconds.
If YOYOCare in "alarm mode" or at a position request can not determine its
current position (for example, located in a basement) it will send a message
with the “last known position”. If there is no "last known position" (e.g. if it has
just been switched on) it will send a message that there is no last position.
How accurate is GPS?
A position statement from the GPS system can differ from the actual position
between 10 and up to 100 meters.
The level of accuracy is mostly dependant of how many satellites that have been
located by the GPS receiver. More identified satellites give better positioning.
The satellite signals can be blocked by tall buildings, mountains etc., and may
be weakened by heavy foliage of trees, thick clothing, etc. The rule of thumb is
that the clearer view of the sky in all directions, the better precision.
NOTE: More information about the capabilities and limitations of the GPS system
is in the instructions under the heading Important Information.
Can anyone call YOYOCare?
Incoming calls from telephone numbers which have not been previously
registered in YOYOCare, will get a busy tone.
How many can call YOYOCare?
Up to 8 telephone numbers can be registered. This is done from the mobile
telephone that administers and configures YOYOCare.