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Your new Yorkville Audiopro 3000 power amplifier is designed and built to provide
years of trouble free performance. We believe it to be the best high power amplifier you
can buy at any price.
Up to now, owning a high power, high efficiency amplifier meant that you had to sacrifice
sonic quality. With Yorkville’s 3000 design, we have overcome this problem. The 3000
weighs a comfortable but solid 40 pounds, fits into two rack spaces, runs at near digital
efficiency, reproduces music with over 4000 Watts of headroom, draws all the power
it needs from a standard AC outlet, and has excellent distortion and noise specifica-
tions. It will drive reactive, phase shifted loads with no difficulty, and yet it is fully
protected from accidental short circuits. Our design goal was to create an amplifier
which would do exactly what an amplifier should do: reproduce music with great power,
complete reliability, and complete signal fidelity. We think you will agree that the
Yorkville 3000 does exactly that.
We hope this manual will provide the answers to the questions you may have about the
particular characteristics of this amplifier.