FORM 160.54-M1
ISSUE DATE: 10/25/2019
Calibration Verification
1. At the keypad, log in at SERVICE access level
using access code 1 3 8 0.
2. Select MOTOR Screen and set Current Limit and
Pulldown Demand Limit setpoints to 100% FLA.
3. Run chiller. Read compressor motor current in
Phase A, B, and C using a clamp-on Ammeter.
Apply ammeter to highest Phase.
4. Select COMPRESSOR Screen.
5. Manually operate the Pre-rotation Vanes by press-
ing the OPEN and CLOSE Keys as required to
achieve a motor current equivalent to 100% FLA
as indicated by the clamp-on Ammeter. The mo-
tor current value on the Display should indicate
100% FLA.
6. Manually operate the Pre-rotation Vanes by press-
ing the OPEN and CLOSE keys as required to
achieve a motor current equivalent to 105% FLA
as indicated by the clamp-on Ammeter. The 105%
LED on the CM-2 Module should illuminate.
If the calibration verification does not perform as
above, the following Calibration procedure will have
to be performed.
1. At the keypad, log in at SERVICE access level
using access code 1 3 8 0.
2. Select MOTOR Screen and set Current Limit and
Pulldown Demand Limit setpoints to 100% FLA.
3. Select COMPRESSOR Screen.
4. Run chiller and read compressor motor current in
Phase A, B and C using a clamp-on Ammeter. Ap-
ply Ammeter to highest Phase.
5. Manually operate the Pre-rotation Vanes by press-
ing the OPEN and CLOSE Keypad keys as re-
quired to achieve a motor current equivalent to
100% FLA as indicated by the clamp-on Amme-
ter. The voltage across Variable Resistors (RES)
should be 0.90 to 1.05 VDC. Measure this voltage
by connecting a Voltmeter at CM-2 Board J1-2 (+)
to J1-1(-). If necessary, adjust RES to achieve this
contains formu-
las to calculate the resistance of RES required to
achieve this voltage. Adjust both resistors equally
such that the combined resistance equals the cal-
culated value.
6. Manually operate the Pre-rotation Vanes by pressing
the OPEN, CLOSE and HOLD Keypad keys, as re-
quired, to achieve a motor current equivalent to 105%
FLA as indicated by the clamp-on Ammeter. Loosen
locking nut on potentiometer R8 on CM-2 and ad-
just until the CM-2 Module 105% LED illuminates.
Counterclockwise increases signal level; Clockwise
decreases signal level. Tighten locking nut.
7. Manually operate the Pre-rotation Vanes by press-
ing the OPEN and CLOSE Keypad keys, as re-
quired, to achieve a motor current equivalent to
100% FLA as indicated by the clamp-on Amme-
ter. Loose locking nut on potentiometer R34 on
CM-2 and adjust until the motor current value
on the Display indicates 100% FLA. Clockwise
increases the signal level; Counterclockwise de-
creases the signal level. Tighten locking nut.
When the compressor motor is driven by a YORK Solid
State Starter, one of three different Starters could be ap-
plied. Later production chillers are equipped with either
the Style B Liquid Cooled Solid State Starter (LCSSS)
or the Medium Voltage Solid State Starter (MVSSS).
Earlier production vintage chillers are equipped with the
Style A Solid State Starter. See
for details of each of these starters.
Use the following procedure to select the appropriate
motor drive type, then select the appropriate procedure
below for the starter type selected.
Motor Drive Type Selection:
• Microboard 031-1730-000: Position Program Jump-
ers JP37 and JP39 appropriately per
• Microboard 031-02430-000/001:
1. Chiller must be stopped and RUN switch
must be in Stop-Reset position.
2. Select SETUP Screen.
4. A green box will appear around the first
changeable setpoint. Use ▲▼ keys to place
the box around Motor Drive Type setpoint.
5. Press
key. A dialog box will appear with
the range of settings. Use
◄ ►
keys to select
“SSS-Mod A”, “SSS-Mod B” or “MV SSS”,
as appropriate.
6. Press ENTER (
) key.