FORM 100.50-EG5 (108)
Guide Specifi cations
The requirements of the General Conditions, Supple-
mentary Conditions, Division 1 and drawings apply to
all work herein.
Provide microprocessor-controlled, air-cooled, dou-
ble-wall-construction, outdoor packaged rooftop air
conditioning product of the scheduled capacities and
performance as shown and indicated on the Drawings,
including but not limited to:
1. Single-piece rooftop package
2. Charge of refrigerant and oil
3. Electrical power and control connections
4. Supply and return duct connections
5. Factory start-up
Quality Assurance
All units are tested, rated or certifi ed, as applicable, in
accordance with the following standards, guidelines
and codes:
1. All units shall meet the latest ASHRAE 90.1 .2004
minimum energy-effi ciency requirements (EER)
2. All units shall meet the latest ASHRAE 62 require-
ments for ventilation and indoor air quality.
3. All units shall be rated in accordance with the ARI
Standard 340/360
4. All units shall be tested to ANSI/UL 1995 and CAN/
CSA C22.2 No. 236 standards
5. Gas heating units shall be designed in conform to
ANSI Z21.47-1998/CSA 2.3-M98 standards and be
carry the UL listing
6. Units shall be ETL and ETL Canada listed
The design shown on the drawing is
based upon products of the manufacturer scheduled.
Alternate equipment manufacturers shall be acceptable
if equipment meets the scheduled performance and
complies with these specifi cations. If equipment manu-
factured by manufacturer other than that scheduled is
utilized, then the Mechanical Contractor shall be respon-
sible for coordinating with the General Contractor and all
affected Subcontractors to insure proper provisions for
installation of the furnished unit. This coordination shall
include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Structural supports for units.
2. Roof curb transition.
3. Piping size and connection/header locations.
4. Electrical power requirements and wire/conduit and
overcurrent protection sizes.
5. All costs incurred to modify the building provisions
to accept the furnished units.
Manufacturer shall warrant all equipment and
material of its manufacture against defects in workman-
ship and material for a period of eighteen (18) months
from date of shipment. Gas heat exchanger is 5 year.
1. The warranty shall include parts only during this
2. The warranty shall not include parts associated with
routine maintenance, such as belts, air fi lters, etc.
Delivery and Handling
Unit shall be delivered to the job site fully assembled,
wired, and charged with refrigerant and oil by the
manufacturer. Unit shall be stored and handled per
Manufacturer’s instructions.
All handling and storage procedures shall be per man-
ufacturer’s recommendations.
Shop Drawings: Shop drawing submittals shall include,
but not limited to, the following: drawings indicating com-
ponents, dimensions, weights, required clearances, and
location, type and size of fi eld connections, and power
and control wiring connections.
Product Data:
Product data shall include dimensions,
weights, capacities, ratings, fan performance, motor
electrical characteristics, and gauges and fi nishes of
1. Fan curves with specifi ed operating point clearly
plotted shall be provided.
2. Product data of fi lter media, fi lter performance data,
fi lter assembly, and fi lter frames shall be provided.
3. Electrical requirements for power supply wiring;
including wiring diagrams for interlock and control
wiring shall be supplied. Factory and fi eld-installed
wiring shall be clearly indicated.
4. Operation and maintenance documentation shall
be supplied in accordance with Section 01830
– Operation and Maintenance, including but not
limited to instructions for lubrication, fi lter replace-
ment, compressor, motor and drive replacement,
coil cleaning, fi lter maintenance, spare parts lists,
and wiring diagrams.