Install the Water Leak Sensor 4,
Consider how water may flow and pool or
collect if there is a leak at each possible leak
location. Consider the slope of the floor or the
surface that water may drip onto. A leak at a sink
cleanout will result in water directly below the
sink, and this water may run towards the front of
the vanity or cabinetry or to the back, draining
into the base of the cabinetry (only appearing on
Floors with drains, like in a mechanical room or
near a water heater, are intentionally sloped
down to the drain. Floors in older homes or
where settling has occurred can also result in a
slope. Take advantage of any slope in the floor
by placing the leak sensor at the bottom of the
slope or in the path of the water flowing down
the slope. A marble, toy ball, or similar object can
be used to check the floor's level, or you may
consider pouring a small amount of water on the
floor or surface where a leak is possible, to see
how the water may flow and pool up.
Additional leak sensors can be added if you
wish to protect a large region, or you can
consider the Water Leak Sensor 2, our rope style
leak sensor, that allows for creating larger water
detection regions, with the use of additional
Avoid locations where the sensor may be
moved or disturbed by people or pets. Avoid
or stepped on, etc.