IM WT1801-01EN
Distortion Factor Equation (Thd Formula)
When determining the harmonic measurement functions Uhdf, Ihdf, Phdf, Uthd, Ithd, and Pthd, you can select
to use one of the denominators described below as the denominator for the equation. For information about
equations, see appendix 1 in the getting started guide, IM WT1801-03EN.
The denominator is the measured data of all orders from the minimum measured order (0 or 1
) to the maximum
measured order (within the upper limit of harmonic analysis).
The denominator is the data of the fundamental signal component (1st order).
Input Element Group (Element Settings)
This setting appears on models with the simultaneous dual harmonic measurement option. You can divide all the
input elements into two groups: Hrm1 and Hrm2, and measure harmonics using two PLL sources with different
frequencies. You can measure the input and output harmonics of an AC–AC converter whose input and output
frequencies are different.
This setting does not appear on models with the harmonic measurement option.
Element1 to Element6
Use the soft keys to select an element, and then assign the element to group Hrm1 or group Hrm2. Input
elements that are assigned to the same wiring unit are assigned to the same group.
PLL Source of Group Hrm1 (Hrm1 PLL Source)
PLL Source of Group Hrm2 (Hrm2 PLL Source)
These settings are the same as the PLL source (PLL Source) setting.
Measured Harmonic Orders of Group Hrm1 (Min Order/Max Order)
Measured Harmonic Orders of Group Hrm2 (Min Order/Max Order)
These settings are the same as the measured harmonic orders (Min Order/Max Order) setting.
Distortion Factor Equation of Group Hrm1 (Thd Formula)
Distortion Factor Equation of Group Hrm2 (Thd Formula)
These settings are the same as the distortion factor equation (Thd Formula) setting.
3 Harmonic Measurement Conditions (Option)