IM 11M10A01-03E
(1) Calibration
This mode is to calibrate the OX102 oxygen analyzer using the calibration gases,
including atmospheric air. Enter the known concentration value of a calibration gas and
then analyzer apply the calibration gas to the sensor and calibrate the sensor. The
calibration requires calibration gases with known concentrations (1000 ppm O
or 10000
ppm O
calibration gases) and the calibration kit.
• Before shipment, a complete calibration of the OX102 oxygen analyzer from 0-100
ppm to 0-25% was performed with standard calibration gases at the factory.
• When using the equipment right after the delivery, first check the reading of the
converter with the sensor in atmospheric air. If the reading is within a deviation of
0.25% O
from 20.9%, the equipment does not need calibration and is ready for
use. If the reading is out by a deviation of
0.25% O
or greater, the equipment
needs one-point calibration for each range.
• Calibration is basically performed at one point for each measuring range. Perform
calibration following the procedure shown in the flow chart in the following pages.
• Flow charts illustrate how to perform calibration for each range. To perform calibra-
tion only for required ranges, skip unwanted ranges by pressing the [CAL] key
repeatedly until the desired range appears. For complete calibration, contact us for
factory calibration.
• Quick adjustment is available that enables the analyzer to harmonize output values
with actual ones. For details, see Section 6.4 (2) “Moving zero point.” This function
is useful when temporary adjustment is required or when calibration gas is not
available at hand.
• The sensor deteriorates progressively in service. Its life varies depending on operating
conditions. If the sensor cannot be calibrated or the response becomes quite slow, the
sensor should be replaced.
No. Calibration Point
Calibration Setting Range
1 Air
Atmospheric air or 15-25% O
2 20 ppm
15-25 ppm O
gas cylinder
3 100 ppm
80-120 ppm O
gas cylinder
4 500 ppm
400-600 ppm O
gas cylinder
5 1000 ppm
900-1100 ppm O
gas cylinder (*1)
6 10000 ppm
8500-9500 ppm O
gas cylinder (*2)
*(1) Or 1000 ppm O
calibration gas (1L, P/N K9424JP)
*(2) Or 10000 ppm O
calibration gas (1L, P/N K9424JQ)
For complete calibration, contact YOKOGAWA for factory calibration.