IM DL350-01EN
Sampling Interval (Sampling Interval)
This is a setting in recorder mode. For details on the sampling interval, see the Getting Started Guide, IM DL350-
Numeric Record Interval (Numeric Interval)
This is a setting in recorder mode when the
is SD Numeric Recording.
Set the interval for recording numeric values in ASCII format to the SD card. Acquisition to the acquisition
memory is performed at the sample interval.
You can select one of the numeric recording intervals listed below.
1sec, 2sec, 5sec, 10sec, 15sec, 20sec, 30sec, 1min, 2min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 20min, 30min, 60min
Acquisition Conditions (Acquisition Condition)
This is a setting in recorder mode.
Set the acquisition start and end conditions. There are four acquisition conditions.
Acquisition Time (Acquisition Time)
When you press the START/STOP button, data acquisition starts. When the specified acquisition time elapses,
acquisition automatically stops.
Continuous Acquisition (Continuous)
When you press the START/STOP button, data acquisition starts. Acquisition continues even when the specified
acquisition time elapses. When you stop recording by pressing the START/STOP button, the past data from
when the acquisition ended to the specified record time is saved.
Start on Trigger (Start on Trigger)
When you press the START/STOP button, the instrument enters the trigger-wait state. When a trigger occurs,
acquisition starts. When the specified acquisition time elapses, acquisition automatically stops.
Stop on Trigger (Stop on Trigger)
When you press the START/STOP button, data acquisition starts. Acquisition continues even when the specified
acquisition time elapses. When a trigger occurs, the instrument stops acquisition and saves from when the
trigger occurred up to the specified acquisition time.
5 Waveform Acquisition