IM DL35-01EN
Trigger Position (Position)
This is a setting in scope mode.
When you move the trigger position, the ratio of the displayed data before the trigger point (the pre-trigger
section) to the data after the trigger point (the post-trigger point) changes. When the trigger delay is 0 s, the
trigger point and trigger positions coincide.
Display record length
Trigger position
Pre-trigger section Post-trigger section
Selectable range: 0.0 to 100% of the display record length
Resolution: 0.1%
• When waveform acquisition is stopped, if you change the trigger position, the setting is not applied until
you start waveform acquisition and update the waveforms.
• If you change the time scale (Time/Div or Record Time), the location of the trigger position does not
Time Reference Point
In addition to the trigger position, a time reference point is indicated. The times that appear in the lower left and
right of the screen are the times from this time reference point. The cursor time-measurement values are also
based on this reference point.
When waveform acquisition is stopped the displayed location of the time reference point varies as indicated
• In Update Mode
When the displayed waveform is updated by the trigger, the time reference point is displayed as indicated
below. The time reference point and the trigger point are the same.
• Under Normal Waveform Update Conditions When All Pre-Trigger and Post-Trigger Data Has Been
The trigger position and the time reference point are
displayed at the same position.
• When Waveform Acquisition Is Stopped before All Pre-Trigger and Post-Trigger Data Has Been Acquired
Trigger position
Time reference point
The trigger position and the time reference point are
displayed separately.
5 Waveform Acquisition