IM DLM3054-01EN
Level Setup (Level Setup)
Sets the voltage level (U Level) and current level (I Level) that are used to determine the loss period and cycle
as well as the RDS(on) or Vce(SAT) values used to measure the loss over the loss calculation period.
Set the voltage level (U Level) and current level (I Level) within the amplitude range of the source waveforms.
Reference Levels (Ref Levels(CH1) and Ref Levels(CH3))
Sets the reference levels (distal, mesial, and proximal) used to determine the loss as percentages or as voltage
values. This feature is the same as the reference level of the automated measurement of waveform parameters.
• Set the mesial value to a value greater than U Level. If the mesial value is set to a value that is less than U
Level, the measured values will be displayed as “*****.”
• If you set the reference levels using percentages, the distal, mesial, and proximal voltage values are
determined depending on the waveform.
• If you want to set reference levels that do not change based on the waveform, set the levels as voltage
• Changing the reference level settings here will also change the reference level settings for the automated
measurement of waveform parameters.
Measurement Items (Item Setup)
You can select which items to measure from the list below.
• Loss (Wp):
Turn On (loss over the switching period (positive)), On (loss over the loss calculation period), Turn Off (loss
over the switching period (negative)), Total (loss over the switching period (positive and negative), sum of the
losses in the loss calculation period)
The definition of loss is different depending on the type of loss as follows:
• When the type of loss is U x I
Loss over multiple cycles (time Tc) within the period specified by the T Range1 and T Range2 cursors
• When the type of loss is RDS(on) x I
or VCE(sat) x I
Device’s total loss over multiple cycles (time Tc) within the period specified by the T Range1 and T
• Loss per unit time (P): Turn On, On, Turn Off, Total
Turn On, On, Turn Off, and Total of the loss per unit time (P) correspond to those of the above loss (Wp).
The loss per unit time is determined by dividing the loss by time Tc.
• Cycle Count (Cycle Count)
Cycle count in the period specified by the T Range1 and T Range2 cursors
The maximum number of measurement items that can be displayed is 30 including the automatically
measured waveform parameters. If the measured switching loss values are not displayed, reduce the number
of automatically measured waveform parameters.
17 Power Supply Analysis Feature (Power Analysis and Power Measurement, Option)