IM DLM3054-01EN
Automated Measurement of Waveform Parameters
The instrument automatically measures the specified measurement items on the source waveform.
Measurement Items (Item Setup)
Sets the measurement items for each source waveform.
Up to a total of 100000 data values can be saved for the entire area and all sources (CH1 to CH4, Math1 to
Math4, LOGIC*). The instrument can display up to 30 measurement items on the screen.
* You cannot select CH4 and LOGIC at the same time.
The source waveform type determines the measurement items that you can choose.
• Analog Signal
All voltage and time items
• Logic Signal
The following time measurement items
Freq, Period, Avg Freq, Duty, Pulse Count, Delay
• You can increase the number of displayed measurement item values using the number of rows (Max
Rows) outside the waveform area in the system settings (System Configuration).
• You can read out the values of measurement items that are not displayed on the screen by using
communication features.
• If you execute GO/NO-GO determination based on a waveform parameter, automated measurement turns
• If the power measurement mode of the power supply analysis feature (/G03 option) is turned on, you will
not be able to set the following measurement items.
Max, Min, P-P, Rms, Mean, Sdev, Avg Freq
Voltage Measurement Items
V1: Voltage at the point where the trace intersects T Range1
V2: Voltage at the point where the trace intersects T Range2
Max: Maximum voltage [V]
Min: Minimum voltage [V]
P-P: P-P value (Max − Min) [V]
High: High voltage [V]
Low: Low voltage [V]
Amplitude: Amplitude (High − Low) [V]
Rms: Rms voltage [V] (1/ (√n))(Σ(xN
Mean: Mean voltage [V] (1/n) ΣxN
Sdev: Standard deviation [V] ((ΣxN
− (ΣxN)
: Area under the positive parts [Vs]
IntegTY: Area under the positive parts − area under the negative parts [Vs]
+Over: Overshoot [%]
(Max − High)/(High − Low)×100
−Over: Undershoot [%]
(Low − Min)/(High − Low)×100
12 Automated Measurement of Waveform Parameters