IM DLM3054-03EN
The following manuals, including this one, are provided as manuals for this instrument. Please read all
Manual Title
Manual No.
DLM3022, DLM3032, DLM3052
Digital Oscilloscope
DLM3024, DLM3034, DLM3054
Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
Features Guide
IM DLM3054-01EN
The supplied CD contains the PDF file of this
This manual explains all the instrument’s
features other than the communication interface
DLM3022, DLM3032, DLM3052
Digital Oscilloscope
DLM3024, DLM3034, DLM3054
Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
User’s Manual
IM DLM3054-02EN
The supplied CD contains the PDF file of this
The manual explains how to operate this
DLM3022, DLM3032, DLM3052
Digital Oscilloscope
DLM3024, DLM3034, DLM3054
Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
Getting Started Guide
IM DLM3054-03EN
This document. Provided as a printed manual.
This guide explains the handling precautions,
common operations, troubleshooting measures,
and specifications of this instrument.
DLM3022, DLM3032, DLM3052
Digital Oscilloscope
DLM3024, DLM3034, DLM3054
Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
Operation Guide
IM DLM3054-04EN
Provided as a printed manual.
Explains the basic operations of this instrument.
Operations are described in steps from
“Preparation” to “Displaying Waveforms,”
“Measuring Waveforms,” and “Saving Screen
DLM3022, DLM3032, DLM3052
Digital Oscilloscope
DLM3024, DLM3034, DLM3054
Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
Communication Interface User’s Manual
IM DLM3054-17EN
The supplied CD contains the PDF file of this
Explains the functions of the this instrument’s
communication interface, how to configure it,
and how to control this instrument from a PC
using the interface.
DLM3022, DLM3032, DLM3052
Digital Oscilloscope
DLM3024, DLM3034, DLM3054
Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
IM DLM3054-92Z1
Document for China
The “EN” and “Z1” in the manual numbers are the language codes.
Refer to the “Optional Accessories (Sold Separately)” about the accessory’s manual number.
Manuals in the CD
The included CD (manual CD) contains the following English and Japanese manuals.
File Name
Manual No.
Features Guide & Users Manual.pdf
IM DLM3054-01EN
IM DLM3054-02EN
Features Guide and User’s Manual
Communication Interface.pdf
IM DLM3054-17EN
Communication Interface User’s Manual
Online Help
A help document in HTML format stored in the instrument. The contents of this document are the
same as the
Features Guide
(IM DLM3054-01EN). For the operating procedure, see section 3.10.