IM DL850E-01EN
Digital Filter and Real Time Math (Optional)
features can be used on DL850E/DL850EVs with the /G3 option.
The /G5 option expands the real time math feature to include power math and harmonic analysis.
• You can set a digital filter or delay on input channel waveforms (A/D converted data). You can also perform
real time math operations in which the waveforms of input channels or the results of other real time math
operations are used as the math source waveforms.
• The results of filtering and math operations are acquired in acquisition memory—the same place that input
channel waveforms are acquired.
• You can perform filtering and math operations on up to 16 channels at the same time.
• By setting the waveform that results from filtering or math operations as a trigger source, you can trigger the
DL850E/DL850EV on the results.
Digital filter/
Real time math
/G3 option
ACQ memory
Trigger circuit
16 channels
16 channels
16 channels
16 channels
Math operations
Engine 2
Digital filter
Real time math
Digital Filter and Delay (Filter/Delay Setup)
You can set digital filters and delays on input channel waveforms (A/D converted data). This is one of the
features of the /G3 option. The other feature is
• Configure the settings for each channel. You can perform filtering on up to 16 channels at the same time.
• Even during waveform acquisition, you can set the filter type, filter band, and cutoff frequency.
• The digital filter/delay setup menu is displayed when the real time math menu is turned off.
• To enable the digital filter/delay feature and the real time math feature at the same time, you have to first
configure the digital filter/delay settings, and then turn the real time math menu on.
• You cannot set digital filters or delays on the bits or input channels of a logic, 16-CH voltage input, 16-CH
temperature/voltage input, CAN bus monitor, or CAN & LIN bus monitor module.
• By setting the waveform that results from filtering as a trigger source, you can trigger the DL850E/DL850EV
on the results.
• For details on the digital filter characteristics, delay, and settings, see the appendix in the
Real Time Math
(/G3 option) User’s Manual
, IM DL850E-51EN.
Bandwidth (Bandwidth)
When you set a filtering feature, it takes effect immediately.
• Digital (Digital): Select this item to display a menu for configuring the optional digital filter.
• LPF: Select this item to display a menu for configuring the standard filter.
2 Vertical Axis