IM DL850E-01EN
Result Display (Display Result)
Displays a list of calculated statistics. You can display the list of statistics when Mode is set to Cycle Statistics or
History Statistics.
Numbers are assigned to the data in order from the oldest cycle data or history data, and the automated
measurement results for each number are displayed.
The maximum and minimum values for each parameter are indicated on the list by (maximum value) and
(minimum value). If the same value appears in multiple locations, the oldest occurrence of the value is marked
as the maximum or minimum value.
The number of data points that can be listed is 64000. If the number of data points exceeds 64000, the most
recent data points in the history waveform or automatically measured item data are displayed. If the number of
data points exceeds 64000, the maximum and minimum values may be outside of range of the displayed list.
When this happens, (maximum value) and (minimum value) will not appear.
• Sort
Sorts the list in the specified order.
Forward (from the oldest) or Reverse (from the latest)
• Statistics Max
Moves to the maximum value ( ) for the selected measurement item.
• Statistics Min
Moves to the minimum value ( ) for the selected measurement item.
In cyclic statistical processing, you can select a waveform number (one period) with the jog shuttle and press
the SET key to zoom in on it. Statistical processing is performed only on the number of data points that can
be displayed in the list.
Statistical Processing of History Waveforms (History Statistics)
In the statistical processing of history waveforms, the DL850E/DL850EV measures automatically measured
items on the acquired waveform using the history feature and performs statistical processing on them. Statistical
processing is performed on older waveform data first. The waveforms that statistical processing is performed on
are those waveforms shown in the List that can be accessed from the HISTORY menu. Statistical processing of
history waveforms can be used with 1-cycle mode and the delay feature.
Measurement Items (Measure Setup)
These items are the same as those for the normal statistical processing of automated measurement parameters.
Measurement Time Period (Time Range1/Time Range2)
This setting is the same as the measurement time period setting for the automated measurement of waveform
Execution of Measurement (Execute Measure)
This item is the same as the Execute Measure item for cyclic statistical processing.
• In the statistical processing of history waveforms, the number of history waveforms that processing is
performed on is indicated in the Count column of the statistical value display.
• The number of history waveforms that can be used in the statistical processing of history waveforms varies
depending on the number of measured items that the DL850E/DL850EV is calculating the statistics of.
64000/(the number of measured items that the DL850E/DL850EV is calculating the statistics of)
10 Automated Measurement of Waveform Parameters