IM DL850E-01EN
Notes about Cursor Measurement
Cursor Measurement
• You cannot perform cursor measurement on snapshot waveforms or accumulated waveforms that have been
acquired in the past. You can perform cursor measurement on the most recent accumulated waveform.
• For history waveforms, cursor measurement is performed on the waveform whose record number is selected.
• The measured time values are based on the trigger position.
• The measured value for data that cannot be measured appears as “***.”
• The pulse/rotate setting affects only the X-axis (horizontal) cursor measurement values.
• While the dual capture window is displayed, you can perform cursor measurements on captured waveforms.
To perform cursor measurements on the main waveform, on the DUAL CAPTURE menu, turn the display of
the dual capture window off (Window: OFF).
• The results of measuring captured waveforms are displayed in italics.
Selectable Range of Cursor Positions
is set to ACQ, in cursor measurements, measurement is performed on the data stored
in the acquisition memory, not on the displayed data. Because 1001 points along the time axis are used to
display the waveform, the number of acquired data points is equal to the set record length × 1.001. If the record
length is set to 10 kpoint, the number of acquired data points is 10010. Therefore, if the record length is set to 10
kpoint, there will be 10 points of measured data at the same position on the screen. The cursor display position
is normally within ±5 div of the center of the waveform display window. In this case, if the cursor display position
is set to 5 div from the center of the window, only 1 point out of 10 points can be measured even if there are 10
points of measured data at the same time axis position. For these kinds of situations, the cursor position can be
set in the range of −5 div to 5.009 div (if the record length is set to 10 kpoint) from the center of the window. In
other words, you can measure the data at the right end of the waveform display window by setting the cursor
position to a value in the range of 5.000 to 5.009 div from the center of the window. Because the number of
points at the same time axis position increases as the record length gets larger, the range varies depending on
the record length (5.000 to 5.0099 div for 100 kpoint).
–5.000 div –4.991 div
0.000 div 0.009 div
5.000 div
–5 div
5 div
5.009 div
Range within which the cursors can be set
Record length = 10 kpoint (10010 points)
There are 10 points
of measured data.
Range within which the
cursors can be moved
Cursor positions for 10
points of measured data
0.001 div = 1 point of
Notes about Using the 16-CH Voltage Input Module (720220),
Notes about Using the 16-CH Temperature/Voltage Input Module (720221)
9 Cursor Measurement