Command Line Interface
Set Terminal COM port as
115200 baud, None parity, 8 data bit, 1 stop bit
connect to the Console port (UART A) for using CLI Commands in Chapter 3 of
“IP-Pipe G1600 User Manual” contained in the Manual CD.
A G1600 Pair Installation Steps
Usually, one master and one slave G1600s are pre-configured for a G1600 pair.
The process of installing a G1600 pair involves the following steps:
1. Planning for G1600 interconnect network configurations
2. Installing the G1600 10/100BaseT Ethernet and E1/T1 cabling connections
3. Using CLI command (UART A) to display E1/T1 Bitstream (Interface B) and
Ethernet Service (Interface C) parameters
4. Configuring CES, Ethernet and E1/T1 interfaces parameters
5. Verifying the E1/T1 connection of the G1600 pair over Ethernet connection
Example 1: Ethernet back-to-back as in Figure 1.
1. Check the physical hookup for correctness: The G1600 requires an E1/T1 cross
cable in its connection to the E1/T1 source. An Ethernet cross-cable is also
required for two G1600s in Ethernet back-to-back connection. A PC or dumb
terminal connection to the console port must use a null modem (RS232) cross
cable with settings of 115200, N, 8, 1.
2. Check that the Ethernet configuration parameters are correct.
must be selected for IP packet, and choose payload per packet (say 96 bytes).
The following CLI command displays the bitstream interface configuration:
Current config
Next start up config
Working mode.......: ETH
MII/RMII...........: MII
AutoNeg............: ON
Speed (Mb/s).......: -