A. Allow the heating element to heat up for appr-
oximately 3 minutes, then, rub gentlythe deso-
ldering nozzle inside the brass wool.
B. When the oxidation is partially removed, cont-
inue applying solder onto the desoldering noz-
zle while rubbing it until the nozzle is complet-
ely coated with solder. If the nozzle is too sev-
erely oxidized beyond cleaning, replace it with
a new one.
2. DO NOT use metal files to remove the oxidation
on the desoldering nozzle. If the nozzle deforms
or rusts, replace the desoldering nozzle with a
new nozzle.
3. DO NOT apply excessive force on the desolderi-
ng nozzle when operating. Doing this will NOT
IMPROVE the heat transfer but damage the de-
soldering nozzle instead.
4. After every operation, clean the desoldering no-
zzle, then tin the nozzle with a new layer of sol-
der to prevent oxidization.
Nozzle Cleaning
Allow the heating element to heat up for appro-
ximately 3 minutes, then, use the cleaning pin
to clean the nozzle.
desolderingiron's power cord to an electrical
outlet, allow the iron to heat up for approxima-
tely 3 minutes, then use the nozzle cleaning pi-
ns to clean the inner hole of the heating eleme-
It’s a must to melt all the solder inside the inner
hole before cleaning. Replace the heating elem-
ent if the cleaning pin CANNOT be put through
the inner hole.
Storage Tube Cleaning
Turn OFF the power, and wait until the storage
tube has cooled completely before cleaning the
storage tube.
The heating indicator turns ON but the heating el-
ement is not heating up – This is an indication that
the heating element is faulty. To resolve this, you
need to replace the heating element.
2. Separate the storage tube and clean
the scrap solder out
1. Lift up and pull out the storage tube
created that the nozzle cannot heat up proper-
ly to melt the solder and do the tinning. Howe-
ver, the actual temperatures of both the heati-
ng element and nozzle are high. In such an ins-
tance, please do not increase the temperature
value confusedly but use a metal wool ball to
remove the oxidization following the steps bel-
Heating Element Cleaning
Remove the nozzle, tin storage tube when the
heating element has cooled. Then, connect the