Make sure that the side of the bridge facing the tailpiece is standing at a right angle
to the top of the instrument. If the bridge is leaning either direction, place the
instrument on a stable surface, slightly loosen the strings then using both hands,
gently adjust the bridge’s angle. Make sure that
the strings do not come out of their
NOTE: Playing with a poorly aligned bridge can result in poor sound quality, and
deformation or damage to the bridge.
Tuning Strings
The strings are tuned to the following pitches;
1. On the violin, the 1st string is tuned to E, the 2nd string to A, the 3rd string to D,
and the 4th string to G.
2. Use a piano, tuning fork, tuner, etc., and adjust the pitch of each string using
the tuning pegs or adjuster. When rotating the peg, apply firm pressure towards
the head stock.
3. After tuning is complete, make sure that the tailpiece side of the bridge is still
properly aligned. If the bridge is leaning in either direction, slightly loosen the
strings and carefully re-align the bridge using both hands.
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