Device Manual
This page allows you to cycle through messages waiting in the queue to be sent. You can review these
messages and delete them from the outbox if you change your mind and do not wish to send them any
more. From the outbox you can also force an immediate retry-send of all messages
waiting to be sent.
Remove All
If you want to clear all old messages from your inbox and sent items then you can do so using this
Sending a message to your device
Every device has its own e-mail address which you would have been provided with at registration.
You can write your email address here for safe-keeping:
_____________________________ @my.yb.tl
People can send emails to this address, and those emails will be forwarded through to your device
and picked up at the next transmission. New messages will go into the Inbox.
Any messages you send from your device to e-mail contacts will also come from this e-mail address,
and people can reply directly to those emails as well. Similarly, people can reply to any text messages
they receive from your device and these replies will also be routed through.
Note: Only registered contacts are allowed to send you emails – to add contacts to your ‘allowed’ list,
use your YBlog admin panel (individual customers) or the ‘Core’ management system (corporate
Waypoints Menu
Mark Waypoint
Using this feature you can mark interesting points and send them to the back-office for display.
Choosing ‘Mark Waypoint’ will allow you to choose the type of waypoint, and the system will then
take a GPS fix and transmit the waypoint to the back-office.
Custom Waypoint Lists
It is possible to customize the waypoint type list on your device, to better suit your own personal
needs. Facilities and instructions to do this can be found in the ‘Core’ management system.
Note: Waypoints are only available on the Professional or Corporate versions of our devices, and will only
work in conjunction with the ‘Core’ management system.
Advanced Menu
The advanced menu will have a number of features, dependent on your device model. These features
are for advanced use only, and should only be adjusted under instruction from a member of support
staff or following specific instructions. We will not be held responsible for any additional charges
incurred or problems caused if you adjust these settings without advisement.
A few of the more important options in this menu are: