Detection 4
Output Frequency
Figure 1.48 Frequency Detection 4 Example with Positive L3-04 Value
Refer to L4-03, L4-04: Speed Agreement Detection Level and Detection Width (+/-) on page 110
Setting 1B: During Baseblock (N.C.)
The output opens to indicate that the drive is in a baseblock state. While Baseblock is executed, output transistors do not switch
and no main circuit voltage is output.
Baseblock is being executed.
Drive is not in a baseblock state.
Setting 1E: Restart Enabled
An output set for “Restart enabled” closes when the drive attempts to restart after a fault has occurred.
The fault restart function allows the drive to automatically clear a fault. The terminal set to 1E will close after the fault is
cleared and the drive has attempted to restart. If the drive cannot successfully restart within the number of attempts permitted
by L5-01, a fault will be triggered and the terminal set to 1E will open.
Refer to L5: Fault Restart on page 111
for details on
automatic restart.
Setting 1F: Motor Overload Alarm (oL1)
The output closes when the motor overload level estimated by the oL1 fault detection exceeds 90% of the oL1 detection level.
Refer to L1-01: Motor Overload Protection Selection on page 99
Setting 20: Drive Overheat Pre-Alarm (oH)
The output closes when the drive heatsink temperature reaches the level specified by parameter L8-02 or an external device
has triggered an oH2 alarm via mult-function digital input H1-
= B.
Refer to L8-01: Internal Dynamic Braking Resistor
Protection Selection (ERF type) on page 116
for details on drive overheat detection.
Setting 2F: Maintenance Period
The output closes when the cooling fan, DC bus capacitors, or DC bus pre-charge relay may require maintenance as determined
by the estimated performance life span of those components. Components performance life is displayed as a percentage on
the HOA keypad screen.
Setting 37: During Frequency Output
The output closes when the drive is outputting a frequency.
Drive is stopped or one of the following functions is being performed: baseblock, DC Injection Braking, Short Circuit Braking.
Drive is outputting frequency.
1.7 H: Terminal Functions
YASKAWA SIEP YAIZ1U 03B YASKAWA AC Drive – Z1000 Programming Manual
Parameter Details