Installation and Operation Guide SOLECTRIA XGI 1000
DOCR-070733-F (2/22/2021)
Page 66 of 78
AC fuses or breakers. Inspect the AC
conductors for damage. If AC voltage
is present and the inverter will not
grid connect contact Technical
Open Phase Detected Open AC phase condition has been
Using a CAT III multi-meter verify the
AC voltage. If a phase loss is identified
check all AC fuses or breakers. Inspect
the AC conductors for damage. If no
phase loss is identified contact
Technical Support.
AC Low Frequency 1
AC low frequency region 1 detected.
Using a CAT III multi-meter verify the
AC frequency. If there is a discrepancy
of greater than 2% between the
measured results and the frequency
reported by the inverter contact
Technical Support, otherwise wait for
the grid conditions to improve.
AC High Frequency 1
AC high frequency region 1 detected.
Using a CAT III multi-meter verify the
AC frequency. If there is a discrepancy
of greater than 2% between the
measured results and the frequency
reported by the inverter contact
Technical Support, otherwise wait for
the grid conditions to improve.
AC Low Voltage 1
AC low voltage region 1 detected.
Using a CAT III multi-meter verify the
AC voltage. If there is a discrepancy of
greater than 2% between the
measured results and the voltage
reported by the inverter contact
Technical Support, otherwise wait for
the grid conditions to improve.
AC High Voltage 1
AC high voltage region 1 detected.
Using a CAT III multi-meter verify the
AC voltage. If there is a discrepancy of
greater than 2% between the
measured results and the voltage
reported by the inverter contact
Technical Support, otherwise wait for
the grid conditions to improve.
Operation Failure
Communication processor has a
critical fault.
Power cycle the inverter. If the
inverter does not clear the error,
contact Technical Support.
Communication 1
Communication processor
initialization fault.
Power cycle the inverter. If the
inverter does not clear the error,
contact Technical Support.