5.4 Special precautions providing high noise immunity
Inductors controlled by your programmable controller (e.g. contactors
and relays) do not normally require additional snubber networks or
suppressors as the respective modules have been provided with the
required components.
Snubber networks must only be connected to inductors when output
circuits can be disabled by means of additional contacts (e.g. relay
contacts). In this case the integrated suppressors on the module are
also disabled. You can connect diodes to suppress back-emc, varis-
tors or RC-networks to the inductors.
Connections of DC-activated
Connections of AC-activated
using a diode
using a Z-diode using a varistor using RC-net-
Every cubicle must be provided with a power outlet for the PU. These
outlets must be wired to the distribution system, which is also used to
connect the neutral conductor for the cubicle.
The cubicle illumination should consist of incandescent lights, e.g.
LINESTRA-lamps. Avoid using fluorescent lamps as these lamps can
cause interference. If you can not avoid using fluorescent lamps you
should implement the steps outlined in the following figure.
Inductors require
snubber networks
Equipotential bonding
Power outlet for PGs
Cubicle illumination
Installation guidelines
Special precautions providing high noise immunity
HB160 | PPC | 67P-PNL0 | GB | 16-42