9 Adjustments
9.2.1 Advanced Autotuning
(1) Preparation
Check the following settings before performing advanced autotuning.
• The main circuit power supply must be ON.
• There must be no overtravel.
• The servomotor power must be OFF.
• The control method must not be set to torque control.
• Gain setting 1 must be selected.
• All alarms and warning must be cleared.
• The hardwire baseblock (HWBB) must be disabled.
• The write prohibited setting must not be set to write-protect parameters.
(2) When Advanced Autotuning Cannot Be Performed
Advanced autotuning cannot be performed normally under the following conditions. Refer to
9.3 Advanced
Autotuning by Reference
9.4 One-parameter Tuning
for details.
• The machine system can work only in a single direction.
• The operating range is within 0.5 rotation.
(3) When Advanced Autotuning Cannot Be Performed Successfully
Advanced autotuning cannot be performed successfully under the following conditions. Refer to
Advanced Autotuning by Reference
9.4 One-parameter Tuning
for details.
• The operating range is not applicable.
• The moment of inertia changes within the set operating range.
• The machine has high dynamic friction.
• The rigidity of the load is low and vibration occurs when positioning is performed.
• The position integration function is used.
• P control operation (proportional control) is used.
Note: If a setting is made for calculating the moment of inertia, an error will result when P control operation is selected
using V_PPI of OPTION field while the moment of inertia is being calculated.
• The mode switch is used.
Note: If a setting is made for calculating the moment of inertia, the mode switch function will be disabled while the
moment of inertia is being calculated. At that time, PI control will be used. The mode switch function will be
enabled after calculating the moment of inertia.
• Speed feedforward or torque feedforward is input.
• The positioning completed width (Pn522) is too small.
Change only the overshoot detection level (Pn561) to finely adjust the amount of overshooting without chang-
ing the positioning completed width (Pn522). Because Pn561 is set by default to 50%, the allowable amount
of overshooting is the half as that for the positioning completed width.
When Pn561 is set to 0%, the amount of overshooting can be adjusted to prevent overshooting the positioning
completed width. If the setting of Pn561 is changed, however, the positioning time may be extended.
Overshoot Detection Level
Setting Range
Setting Unit
Factory Setting
When Enabled
0 to 100