5 Trial Operation (Checking Servomotor Operation)
The trial operation described here is a JOG operation for servomotors not connected
to machinery (without a load). The purpose of this trial operation is to check whether
the SERVOPACK and servomotor are properly connected and whether the servomo-
tor is operating normally.
To conduct trial operation executed from the host controller for the servomotor with-
out load, or for the servomotor connected to the machine, refer to the following man-
-V Series User's Manual Design and Maintenance Rotational Motor/Analog
Voltage and Pulse Train Reference (SIEP S800000 45)
-V Series User's Manual Design and Maintenance Rotational Motor/MECHA-
TROLINK-II Communications Reference (SIEP S800000 46)
-V Series User's Manual Design and Maintenance Rotational Motor/Command
Option Attachable Type (SIEP S800000 60)
-V Series User's Manual Design and Maintenance Rotational Motor/MECHA-
TROLINK-III Communications Reference (SIEP S800000 64)
Inspection and Checking before Trial Operation
To ensure safe and correct trial operation, inspect and check the following items
before starting trial operation.
Inspect and check the following items, and take appropriate measures before per-
forming trial operation if any problem exists.
• Are all wiring and connections correct?
• Are all nuts and bolts securely tightened?
• If the servomotor has an oil seal, is the seal undamaged and is the motor oiled?
• If the servomotor has a brake, is the brake released beforehand? To release the
brake, apply the specified voltage (24 VDC or 90 VDC). The following diagram
shows an example of the circuit wiring needed to release the holding brake before a
trial operation.
• Conduct trial operation on the servomotor alone with the motor shaft discon-
nected from the machine to avoid any unexpected accidents. If it is unavoidable
to perform trial operation while connected to a machine, then always make sure
that an emergency stop can be immediately executed.