MH80 Manipulator
3 Installation
3.2 Mounting Procedures for Manipulator Base
3.2.1 Mounting the Manipulator on the Baseplate
The baseplate should be rugged and durable to withstand maximum
repulsion force of the manipulator and to ensure that the manipulator and
fixture are in the correct relative position. The thickness of the baseplate
is 50 mm or more and an M20 size or larger anchor bolt is recommended.
After anchoring the baseplate firmly on the floor, fix the manipulator base
to the baseplate with the hexagon head screw M20 (8 screws, length of
70 mm or more is recommended) using mounting holes on the
manipulator base. The manipulator base is tapped for eight mounting
holes. Tighten the hexagon head bolts and anchor bolts securely so that
they will not work loose during operation. For details, refer to
“Mounting the Manipulator on the Baseplate”
Fig. 3-1: Mounting the Manipulator on the Baseplate
Flatness: 0.5mm or less
Anchor bolt (M20 or more)
Manipulator base
Hexagon head screw
M20 (8 screws)
Spring washer
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