Notes for Safe Operation
EcoTrim ET-1024 System
Before operating the manipulator, check that servo power is turned
OFF by pressing the EMERGENCY STOP buttons on the front door
of the DX200 controller and on the Programming Pendant (refer to
). When servo power is turned OFF, the SERVO ON LED on
the Programming Pendant is turned OFF.
Injury or damage to machinery may result if the Emergency Stop circuit
cannot stop the manipulator during an emergency. The manipulator
should not be used if the EMERGENCY STOP buttons do not function.
Figure 1: EMERGENCY STOP Button
Release the EMERGENCY STOP button (refer to
). Once this
button is released, clear the cell of all items which could interfere
with the operation of the manipulator. Then turn servo power ON.
Injury may result from unintentional or unexpected manipulator motion.
Figure 2: Release of EMERGENCY STOP Button
Observe the following precautions when performing teaching
operations within the P-point maximum envelope of the
– View the manipulator from the front whenever possible.
– Always follow the predetermined operating procedure.
– Ensure that you have a safe place to retreat to in case of
Improper or unintended manipulator operation may result in injury.
Confirm that no person is present in the P-point maximum envelope
of the manipulator and that you are in a safe location before:
– Turning on the power for the DX200 controller.
– Moving the manipulator with the Programming Pendant.
– Running the system in the check mode.
– Performing automatic operations.
Injury may result if anyone enters the P-point maximum envelope of the
manipulator during operation. Always press an EMERGENCY STOP
immediately if there is a problem. The EMERGENCY STOP buttons are
located on the right of the front door of the DX200 controller and on the
Programming Pendant.
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