(1) Move ASA Setting Knob so that ASA number of the film in use appears in ASA Indicator Window.
(2) Turn Exposure Indicator Adjusting Knob to match the 'Green Index Arrow' to the red needle.
(3) Read correct exposure combination indicated in Exposure Indicator Window. They are the proper exposure
combination of lens aperture and shutter speed to be set on your camera
(4) Turn Shutter Speed Control Wheel and Lens Opening Control Wheel to bring the pertinent shutter speed and
lens opening in to the center of the window located on the top of viewing lens.
(1 } Open the focusing hood by lifting it at the back,
and now point your Yashica at the subject,
(2) Rotate the Focusing Knob until your subject on
the ground glass screen becomes sharp. The bright
circle in the center of the ground glass viewing
screen enables you to obtain a sharp focus and
should be the center of the picture you are
composing on the screen. The red lines on the screen
help you to judge proportion and compose your
4www.bu tkus.org
Compose your subject on the ground glass as you
would like to see it in the final picture.