Insert the Spool Stud
Adapter into the spool
spindle of the Film
Place the Film Cassette
in the lower Film Chamber
by pulling out the Spool
Stud Knob as illustrated.
Then, pull out the film
leader gently.
Set the 35 mm Take-up Spool in the upper
Film Chamber. First, fit the cut-out on the right
into the right spool stud. Then, while pulling
out the 35 mm Film Advance Knob (Spool
Stud Knob), set the spool into position. Reset
the Film Advance Knob to its original position
and wind it until it locks automatically.
Insert the film leader into the slot on the
Take-up Spool and, after pressing the 35 mm
Film-stop Release located directly below the
Film Rewind Release Button (R), wind the 35
mm Film Advance Knob.
After making sure the perforations on the
film properly engage the sprocket teeth, set the
Pressure Plate by matching the Guide Pins with
the Guide Sockets and pressing it firmly against
the 35 mm Picture Frame.